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A member registered Mar 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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That's uncomfortable for Itch Android app (Mitch). It won't install or keep up-to-date

Also APK file format is already a zip, just like JAR/WAR Java formats

Prueba tomando un curso de inglés :-)

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Unpopular opinion: Better to spend more days without bugs, than playing a broken game

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While the executable on Linux from Itch doesn't work. You can actually run it just by executing Oppai Muse.exe . 

The game is great and kinda unique gameplay, very short, but very nice music! 

Thanks!! Great work!

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100% agree on that, and reason why I made my feedback.

Never said it was a wrong or bad decision. That strategy may work for some people, it may not for others.

I just gave an opinion, as a player. For the developer is always nice to have feedback if what you are doing is good or not for users.

My intention isn't to generate a whole debate, blame the developer or anything like that.

It's okay to disagree, no worries. I just gave an opinion, never intended to make my opinion as statement.

My critic was related about how the game dynamics changed on last updates from a "sim date" relationship game, into a world-issue/conflict, which sounds more like an action-based history. Assaulting, murdering or overall violence part doesn't make much sense if you consider the whole Player personality, who is clearly not a conflictive guy.

And I must disagree with you on the porn part. Not everyone plays date sim NSFW games for just "porn part". Otherwise we wouldn't be discussing about the "history part" lol.

It's okay if the dev wants this way, it's just a feedback. Zero intentions to start a blame war or anything else. If I'm playing a nice game, it's fair as users to provide a feedback when you consider something is feels off.

Hey, thanks for the response!

I agree, elves been part of the "game topic" just like the "androids", but it felts like some characters and overall history changed way too much at last updates and doesn't fit them too much with previous narrative.

Lin for example, in very short time went from a submissive maid who was okay with "their reality", to a character who's mostly accusing everyone of elfphobes with inner hate. For Nia felts natural as her background is consistent.

As said before, I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but felts like the game is losing the "dating sim" thematic but becoming more like an action visual novel in order to achieve deep immersion on the main topics.

Hope my comment doesn't sound bad, my only intention is to give a constructive feedback :-) 

(3 edits)

Unpopular opinion here:

By last updates, the game "elf history" is becoming quite lame, while the other stories are quite good and can't complain.

The "elf drama/revolution" feels very non-related to the game itself, the game began as a "dating sim" alike game, but by any reason Runey42 made a twist to a drama/fight/politics story which feels very non-related to the hotel original story.

While some people may like the idea, I don't, as mentioned before its personal opinion, likely unpopular feedback but a good intended one.

