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Seems good, but seems like a cop out to just lock shit behind premium

Bearing in mind that it takes me a lot of time to make and also some else do you suggest I keep the lights on?, I put my first game out for free at first with an option for people to give me a tip and it made a grand total of about $ patreon has 0 backers...I understand that money is tight for a lot of there is a free version that will get more content over time and that everyone can hopefully enjoy; but only if the whole project is viable...otherwise..I just can't afford it...and I will have to do something else that will pay the bills...I am not sure what you imagine my current situation to be...;but I am not exactly swimming in a money pit like Scrooge Mcduck.


I mean its your choice at the end of the day but locking options to a premium inside the game just feels wrong. A better way would be to probably just remove the option, If i didnt know i was missing something i wouldnt care.

My thinking at the time was ''people can only buy the premium version if they know it exists"...i may change it over time to allowing backers earlier access..i don't know...i don't know if the whole idea is viable yet..i am trying to focus on producing something of good quality that people can pay for an feel like they got good value..on that note..i need to get typing if i want to have anything ready for this weekend.

perhaps looking at your competition (discord, patreon,..) on how they manage premium content woud be worthwile, or just in general to make more people aware of your game. for how you currently do the premium stuff, i woud suggest to not lock away something fundamental like a map or dom/sub choices from the free players, but taking a different approach instead.

'' i woud suggest to not lock away something fundamental like a map or dom/sub choices from the free players'' Was that the stuff that annoyed you?...the map is already in the new version..the other stuff will probably get put in future free versions...some games a lot more popular than mine keep content walled off games are getting noticed a bit..maybe i should try hosting them on some other websites; but if i want people to back me on patreon...i am just going to have to make the games better..i am surprised by some of the stuff that gets backed..maybe i am just not making what those people are looking for..i think Succubusted may be a bit too...well..full on.

(4 edits)

"Was that the stuff that annoyed you?"
note that i'm not the one that started complaining. i've seen the map in the folder, but just wanted to point out that this would probably not be the best part to lock away. btw i don't think the theme/genre is the issue here.
EDIT: your game can also be found at f95zone

''note that i'm not the one that started complaining.'' I know; but your comments are just as valid..i am thinking of changing the way the map works so it can be brought up anywhere so people don't get lost for the next build  ''i don't think the theme/genre is the issue here.'' I didn't want it to be a tease; but i think i have gone too far in that direction..i think it maybe needs to hold back a bit more..the expectation is part of the fun..i contacted a few websites for the first version..some are a bit piratey..i just looked at one and they have someone's patreon version up that the creator only posted yesterday; but i suppose that is going to happen anyway...

Maybe you can do it like kredyn did 

You make one version to patreon and then when you make a newer version you release the oldest one to the public

To make it easier: the Newest to the patreons the oldest to the public