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If the "dots" that are used to identify which area will be affected could be color-coded or just different side of the "icon" to help distinguish if the affect will be increase or decrease, it would be more useful.  It's like playing black-jack without ever knowing what the values for the cards were.  Especially when you have instances where the increase to ONE aspect is so unbalanced: say yes and it decreases by +30%, say not increase by ~5%.  Neat concept, but just doesn't interest me as much as I had hoped.  

Well put together, and certainly the result of hard work with attention to detail.


You can get a buff that even tells you the exact increase and decrease xD The dots are, imo, very helpful, as they give hints to what could be affected at all. Part of strategy is to read the text and make a guess and remember some cards for later games. Like in a dungeoncrawler - Would be easier to have a healthbar and exact information on every enemy. But wouldn't work well with the genre^^ And it would deminish the need to read the texts, a whole lot. That would be a bummer too. 


Makes sense.  I guess this genre just isn't my thing.  Still a nicely designed game, and very nice art.  Cheers!