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Finished the current version a few days ago and had to wrap my thoughts about the game. All in all an excelent game, nice smooth animations which is something very rare for android version (which is where I play), well made enviroments and an intriguing story with the right pace of progression, at the same time that it felt I was going nowhere in the main plot it felt like I just gunned for the main facts and the centerpiece of everything. 

But there's a few elements that I need to talk about, two of them technical and one a bit more "script-related". The first of the technical aspects it's immersion which could use a bit of work, the MC's face is shown a bit too much and for games that take go on the supernatural and psychological horror way it's much scarier when that doesn't happen since the player feels, you guessed it, 100% immersed as if he was the character. 

The second element which gave me quite the headache while I played was the UI on Android. All those small icons are a pain in the ass at best, the ones for menus I mean. The big icons on dialogues and inside locations such as the office aren't a problem. 

And finally the "script-related" problem, or not exactly a problem since it's just my opinion. Why is the MC such a dork? I wasn't hoping for a dark, Max Payne-esque character but let's be honest: the dude lost his "guardians" (you either meant parents or that they adopted him and Mia, I don't know) due to unknown reasons that are slowly explored as we progress through the story. And that also happens during his work as a detective, I get it that he graduated a month before the early parts of the game so he's still a rookie and also that he's a private detective and not a cop B U T I highly doubt that a private detective, rookie or veteran, would just let EVERYONE in a crime scene mock him and talk shit like he was some dumb bumbo who can't put two and two together.

But besides all of this, an excelent game just like I said. After the last scene and the last revelations of this version, I can't wait to see what comes next. 

Hey, i see that you have finished the game, can you tell me where to find the evidence log? Only the item below the blue and above the nail

I think you're talking about the Inventory? It's the briefcase icon in the top left menu. If you're talking about the menu of current quests, it's the one that looks like a spreadsheet in that same menu. 

I really don't remember seeing an evidence log. 

Thx for the valuable comments! Glad u liked it. 

hello? it has been 2 years ago, ar you still online? do you still update this game?