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(1 edit)

Thanks! I am planning to add music soon. Lol, I thought the levels might be too hard for beginners. I had rearranged the levels around a few times (Level 6 used to be Level 5, Level 4 used to be Level 7, and vice versa) so I created Level 5 in between Level 4 and Level 5 (which is now 6). Rearranging the levels around again, I thought would be difficult for me since I would have to go back and edit stuff relating to those levels. I thought Level 5 would be an easier level though since you only need good timing (to fall into the teleporter and then go left). Levels 6 and 7 are definitely harder, though, lol. Levels 8 and 9 are puzzle levels, but Level 10 is very hard, lol. So is Level 11.  Level 12 is also a puzzle level (but very complicated so you will need to go through trial and error) and Level 13 is a combination of both puzzle and skill, lol, and Level 14 is a teleporter puzzle. I was making the levels based on ideas I thought of while trying to make them difficult and spent a lot of time bug-fixing (such as on Level 14 where I couldn't get the teleporters to connect to each other). Even on Level 13 and Level 18, I felt like rage-quitting on my own levels even though I am a pro at platformers! xD So you get the idea, lol. But thanks again!