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It is simple, but i had a confusing moment first with the fact that there are obvious sources of materials on the screen other than enemies.
It is not intuitive why one is getting resources from enemies while sitting on the piles of stuff.

Hey Houkime! thanks a lot for your review!

Yes, I understand what you mean... in the future, after giving a little more sparkle to the enemies, we could add the fact of taking out the resources. 

At first we had thought that both things would be there, but when we started to see the size of the game we had on our hands(At the creatiuve phase 12 first jam hours), and the time we had, we decided that the enemies would be the ones to be unlocked instead of the resources, we also thought that there would be more animations and visual feedback to show that they were pulling the resources. 

But putting the whole system together ( remember that all the code and the unity editor is made by 1 person ) was not going to be possible. So we decided to leave the resource digging for later and we assigned more energy to the fun ideas we had in mind with amazing 2d  graphics and sound assets that our team was making