I really enjoyed this game! It does indeed give me that spectacle fighter vibe, a genre that I really enjoy. So nice job on capturing the essence with the cool combos, blocking, and healing mechanics! The game itself reminds me a lot of Devil May Cry, which is a good thing. I enjoyed how responsive and natural the AI felt, even though at times, it felt more overpowered than I would have liked. The character art and the look of the environments is really nice to look at.
The game itself could use more tweaks in terms of balance. I struggled a lot against the boss, and I kept dying again and again. Maybe you could have the first boss be somewhat easy and the second be a more difficult version of the first boss? In addition, the bars were somewhat unclear to me, I agree with another commenter that the bars could have been made more obvious (like health vs the recovery system bar being on the same side.)
Overall, I enjoyed the visuals and feel of the gameplay! Good job!