Hello, I like the format of the game but found two difficulties :
1 - that the Silencer gives the token "soon" is hard to swallow. The elasticity of that is crucial to the game. I suggest reframing the whole situation (5 minutes, 8 tokens, "soon"). Maybe count matches and speak while burning a match or something like that. Or make the clock a diegetic thing, and an ominous signal "when the bell has rung thrice". Defining the window of opportunity will put clothes on that mechanic and serve the "ambiental" purpose of the game.
2 - that there be many "community" dice strikes me as strange. Why not have one "common" die ? Why make it a die ? Here again, leaving game logic to enter *this* game logic would probably add to the experience.
And with all that said, the game is very evocative. That random people on the internet want to make it their own ? that's a hint it's actually good !
Regarding "paranoid", it's technically distinct from "paranoiac" : it looks like paranoia is all it says. But it might be a bit strong a word for the kind of "feeling one's way" conversation style the game will create. Do you have paranoid" play experience or feedback ?