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(1 edit)

Thanks a lot! It’s a good question though and I have also been thinking about it ^^ In the case of the circles, the idea was that they are “perfect” (no corners) and that the triangle thus does not have enough courage to approach them. But with growing courage levels the circles will turn into polygons since the Triangle dares to look closer and sees that they are not perfect (that’s where the title is coming from).

I added the Spirals later since the game was too easy without a growing number of unfriendly entities. The “Story” is that the game happens after a pandemic and the Spirals denied getting vaccinated xD

I know the “story” is all over the place. I don’t really have much experience thinking about that part of a game.

About the lag: Can you tell me which build you were using? I will look into it.


Oh, the circles turning into polygons part is really clever! That completely went over my head, sorry. I'm not even sure if I'd like it to be more obvious, though. But yeah, maybe leaving out the spiral part would make things a little more consistent.

I'm using the most current Windows build. If there's anything else I can provide, let me know.