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Oh crap! I wish I had known about the mutation because I think it was a really cool idea  to make it diagetic.

I was too focused on trying to get the code right and assumed I had to complete the game before getting overrun by zombies. So I ran past all of them until I found the right code but the rooms were full by then, haha.

I appreciate how it feels like you're trying to give players the fun of discovering the mechanics for themselves. If you're taking suggestions I would say that players might be nudged to killing enemies and thus realising their mutation and it's effects if you made the feel of shooting them 'juicier'. Like if the bullets were faster or hitscan, the fire rate was improved, blood splatters on hit and enemies stagger to the shots though I understand how the time limitation could've kept you from doing more. The monsters spawning in the same room I'm in also discouraged combat for me as there was no vantage point I could use and it felt hopeless to try and kill them off.

Went on for a bit there haha, but I really like what you were going for. :)


Yeah we definitely didn't sign post some of the features/gameplay properly, I imagine most people would have missed the mutation side of things.

The zombie spawning still needs balancing - we thought one hit kills for the first set of zombies would be enough to sort out how many there are, but the time between spawns probably needs to be slower as well. I like your idea of nudging the player to kill zombies through more definitive feedback; we kind of assumed that would be the first thing people do, but then the results aren't always clear or satisfying enough to continue with it. We'll definitely be giving it some thought!


Alright. Good luck with it if you're gonna develop it further. :)