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A member registered May 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yo, thanks for playing the game! Glad you liked it!
Yeah, that gun issue is definitely getting addressed once the jam voting period is over, haha.
Thanks again!

Thanks a bunch!
..and thanks for going through the effort of reviewing the games in the jam too!

Nice use of the theme! The puzzles were adequately designed and it was pretty cathartic to watch the whole thing play out once you've figured it out.
I think more juice would be important for the game since a major component of it is watching the fireworks! Like, I dunno, making each subsequent rocket faster and their explosion more bombastic than the last to lead up to a grand finale.

Eyyy.. sup broo!! Thanks a bunch!

Eyyy.. thanks a bunch! Glad you liked it!

Yeah, you're right. Looking to add more stuff to the other loops to make it work. Thank you for playing and your encouragement!

Yeah, the secondary loop of the game was pretty quickly cobbled together once I got the movement working. Hoping I can make something more out of it. Thank you for playing and the suggestion!

Thanks a bunch for playing! 😄

Okay, this was incredibly engaging for me. I loved it when I figured out that torpedoes are the shortcut to fortune.. especially when they ricocheted. It made me feel like there was a lot to figure out and systematically abuse. Then, after mining a ton of level 4 asteroids it was satisfying to see a huge black void on the map where my recent exploits had taken place; reminded me of the Bootes Void in a good way. I think the balancing was done well enough to keep things going and the alternate ships had some nice features to them.

I might be biased because I love games like FTL and Sunless Sea but this really sucked me in!

Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed it! Also happy to hear that the loop took you for quite the spin, haha!

Hey, thanks a bunch! I really liked your game too. Played it twice and couldn't stop for a while because of how juicy the whole thing felt! Eager to see how you take if further if you are.

The darkness effect is really simple. I turned ambient light to completely black, turned off directional light and attached a point light to the player. This was on Unity though; I don't know how it'll work for other engines.

It was nice to be able to kite and kill huge heaps of enemies.. especially when using the decoy. The lore about cracks and monsters coming out of them was pretty cool too though abyssal ooze might've worked better than lava for theme adherence. One issue I had was that the enemies don't seem to spawn as per requirement. I was waiting for the last ranged enemy I needed to kill but the timer ran out. Perhaps you'd like to remove the timer instead?

Anyways, nice submission!

That was a fun and juicy one! The presentation was awesome and the energy of the whole thing came together so well! I wish the level obstacles are painted or bordered differently though.. the camera tilt when near a border was also very jarring and the kill pause is a little too much— it made it hard to keep my momentum up. Also not sure how it adheres to the theme.

But it was a lot of fun and really well presented. The way the enemies jiggle, the texts that pop up, the menu.. it's awesome!

Charming game! Loved the missiles; thematically and mechanically.

Movement of the arrows and missiles were really well done I should add. Always felt like it was my fault when I lost.

My score was 84.

Was kinda hoping the balloons would fly you up to the void of space.

Nice implementation of the concept! Really interesting design too. Only held back by the platforms and demons which did not seem to sync up consistently. This causes a lot of waiting and frustration which if not by design, then can be shaved off imo.

Also loved the final demon. Nice way to end the game!

I liked this quite a lot. The implementation of the theme was really cool. I liked the idea of jumping down into an abyss. Having gold reset after jumping back into the abyss was also a nice way of making sure players are incentivized to upgrade uniformly if that was the intention. Level generation was good. Sound was pretty well executed too. 

However a couple of issues hold it back real bad.

Having attacks and mining share the same resource is cool but with no reliable way of recovering energy, it was quite frustrating to be killed because you couldn't do anything against the two birds tracking you down in the hallway. I feel the birds had too much tracking too but that wouldn't be a problem if the attacks issue is solved.

Additionally, having some invincibility frames whenever you take damage, being able to change where you aim while mid air, removing diagonal tiles because of how you can't attack enemies reliably on them and increasing the height of the corridors by a tile(to make jumping over enemies easier) would've helped the game by leaps. I know these are fundamental elements but they were sorely missed in my experience.

I hope this doesn't come off as too critical. I liked the flow of the game enough to spend more than an hour on it but the smaller flaws just held it back so much.

I liked the cheeky writing paired with how the text animates. The concept was pretty cool albeit bare bones. Would've loved to see it taken further. Loved the minimalist art.

(2 edits)

Seriously though, loved the dedication to replicating the desktop. Ability to drag the windows would've been welcome tho. Once you commit to seeing the loading bars finish, closing the popups had me accidentally closing the projects sometimes. Being able to drag them to a safe place for the fight would've been nice.. unless the intention was more suffering which if is the case then well done!
The loading screen at the end of it all was also a nice gag.

(0/10) - really wanted to talk to Roma

fate works in strange ways

Thanks a bunch!

Holy Crap! That was awesome!
I was mind blown the moment everything made sense to me. I think this also goes with the theme "Makes Total Sense" once you understand why you have to heal as well. Loved the core loop that evolved out of it once you get the hang of it too. Mental math + arcade-y action was pure catharsis!
I feel like the camera should move a bit towards where you aim as I often found myself unable to see where I'm going when I move downwards but that's really the only gripe I have. I also loved the little things like how the enemies get pushed back when you shoot them, how you made the levels progress so players learn naturally, etc.

Awesome submission!

There was something that quite gripped me about a car in a desert collecting life buoys. Was a nice take on the theme. I liked it. But holy crap, the camera for the car made it extremely nauseating to play. I enjoyed collecting the 'nothings' but gave up after the 4th one because I was getting motion sick. Still, it's a weird kinda charm to it that had me go that far.. I feel like this could be a nice mindless distraction with better camera and more grounded car for more control. More absurdity in the direction you're at would be most welcome too!

I love the determination on the chocolate bar's face! The art was really good! The multiple death screens got me dying a couple of times just to see what else was there. Also loved how the level started with the teapots and sink in succession.. nice passive tutorial. Feel like the game mechanics have room to be fine tuned. I found myself just jetpacking my way through the platforms which naturally served as obstacles.. which tbh, was quite fun in itself because of the pressure added by the melting. I feel like there's something there.

Also I need to know why there was acid in the bathtub! Is someone trying to cover up a crime scene? Are the people there just determined to keep the chocolate bar inside? What!?

I was immediately taken by the visuals, music and sound which I felt suited the game very well. The "heya" from the humans was a simple yet charming touch to the presentation. I also liked how the UI works and the controls which I felt were unique in a good way. If you're looking for inputs I think using one of the arrow keys(maybe 'down') to place cards would've improved the experience a lot since it means I wouldn't have to keep moving my right hand to place cards.
I didn't quite get how the 1st theme worked though.. perhaps you could let me know.

Anyways, I think it's quite an interesting take on town-builders and would love to see what it could turn into.

Oh the location of the ammo count was fine; perfect in fact! I actually prefer that over the typical HUD. Just making it easier to read should solve the issue methinks.

You're welcome! Stoked to see what comes next!

Found the way the gun worked a funny way of using the 2nd theme though I feel like the use of the other two themes could be stronger.. interactively anyway.
Anyways, I liked how I ended up being extra careful about my shots against the hordes that would pour out at me since I wanted to avoid death by ricochet. Doubling the rate of fire would, I feel, compliment the gameplay a lot.

Animations were really nice to watch too!

Nice submission!

This was really interesting!
The moment I figured out I could avoid some of the rules I instantly went for a "it's not supposed to honk" run and was delighted to find it worked! Loved what you did with the level design which gradually opened up.
The car controls are apt but maybe a little too harsh. I kinda see this concept working as a set of short levels where you could find interesting ways to finish them. Weirdly enough I also see this use of the theme work in a horror-dystopian setting, lol.

Anyways, nice game and interesting use of the theme!

Interesting use of the theme and the concept felt quite innovative! Nicely done.
I like how the yellow enemies disrupt your frequency adding a bit of depth to the experience. Going from killing samurai to splitting boulders was also a nice change of pace, lol.

Personally I think giving the players more agency on the "tuning" would've been a nice addition. Waiting for the perfect frequency was an interesting take on the samurai standoff but after a while I just wanted more control over the fight. Something like positioning or proximity changing the frequency(?) I dunno.

Anyway, nice take on the theme!

Holy crap! That was awesome!
I loved how the three shot system instantly got you into an action-puzzle core loop! I had fun trying to figure out how I could best position my shots while still facing the challenge of moving to execute the plan.
Didn't notice the ammo count until my 4th try though; found it a little hard to read and got me thinking it was time based than ammo based, haha. Also wish that I had more control over the pacing; had moments where all I could do was wait when I played really well.
Overall, loved it!

Heyy,, thank you so much!! :D
Guess I took the theme too far with the door, haha.
Glad you like the game(s)! :)

Hey, thanks for playing! :D
You'll have to listen to the doors in the loop to figure out where you should go.
There's a puzzle you'll have to do for one apple and a button you'll have to push for the other. I'm guessing it's either one of those you haven't done.
Again, thanks for playing and the kind words. :)

Thank you so much for all your kind words! T_T

You've inspired me so much to keep this up. Thank you!

hey, sorry about the delay.. and odd place to ask guides to the game, haha.

So the girl has those strawberry levels right? It corresponds to the mood she's in where each mood eats up a different number of strawberries from her current level. So your job is to figure out how much you can give her each turn.

No, sorry, haha. Had to stick to the Infinity theme of the jam.

Just curious but.. how far did you go?

Thank you so much! :D :D

52 is a good number as the game kinda just goes infinite from there, haha.

Yeah, I reckon it's a little too dull at the start, right? I'll look into that.

..and since we're on the topic anyway I wanted to ask how you found the texting system. I found that most players couldn't pay attention to them and I didn't want to resort to using text boxes like in rpgs.

I was considering ways to make the relationship between the characters more diagetic as a result. Like the player character herself benefits or loses with gameplay from the results of the relationship.

It loops with you trying to form the words but they don't come out..

Hey, it's cool; we all have our own preferences.. and thanks. :)