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The game has great atmosphere and I really loved the voice acting, that was one hell of a nice surprise. The manor had the makings of a really cool RPG start hub, but I don't think they got very far with the story or the initial balance (I couldn't kill the first skeleton without going through the developer room to gear myself up. I could just be really bad at this).

But this is definitely one I'm going to follow and would like to see finished. Please finish it!

Hey - thanks for trying out our game!

You are correct that the balance is completely broken - last minute change to make combat more interesting had side effects in the early levels :(.

We did have the story entirely planned out and voice lines recorded - we just ran out of time in putting in all the triggers and key items into the levels. We'll definitely make sure to prioritise this in future jams - I think we could have finished on time if we did things in a different order.

I'm going to continue working on the game - probably a little slower than during the Jam - but hopefully it'll be finished soon!

I like this. Please continue updating and keeping us posted :)