Seems like a lot of cleanup work will be needed, as a fair number of things were broken or excluded. Many of those were bugfixes made between v1.0a and v1.0d. It's understandable since there is a lot of code and it can be quite difficult to know all of the nuances of the code.
In , the change from "for cattle in allcattle:" to "for i in allcattle:" breaks everything, since i is never used and cattle is never assigned.
In, there are many issues. In startequence, all the modded member characteristics are updated for an object that is discarded; those should be moved to the member _init function. In actioneffect, augmented tongue code was excluded and duplicate code exists for handling the 'pervert' tag. The rope recovery after sex is missing near the end of endencounter:
for action in ongoingactions: stopongoingaction(action)
In, the infinite effect duration bug still exists because "(!i.code in ['bandaged','sedated', 'drunk'] && randf() > 0.5)" is used twice instead of "i.code in ['bandaged','sedated', 'drunk'] || randf() > 0.5". updatedescription has not been updated.
In, the Adya jewel duplication fix is missing, and the old uncivilized-tamer resolution still exists (reduces chance of capturing a tamer).
In, in _on_slavesellbutton_pressed
else: globals.state.reputation[globals.weightedrandom(reputationloss)] -= 4
should be
reputationloss = globals.weightedrandom(reputationloss) globals.state.reputation[reputationloss] -= 4
There are probably some more issues, but those are what I saw after skimming through the code.