Just played this game and what you have is pretty interesting!
The artwork is fantastic (is that dragonbones animation?), and the combat is nicely polished with some complexity thrown into the rock-paper-scissors dynamic. The overall presentation is very professional and clean. The battles are fun, though can be a bit repetitive when the boss keeps summoning more and more bullet sponges for you to take out.
That said, there is only one actual battle, unless I missed something! There is the tutorial against the king slime and then the battle against the automaton. Not sure if an hour of gameplay can be squeezed out of this, and I am sure that you have bigger plans for the game as time goes on and more battles will be included. I am hoping that you get some sort of currency after battles that allow you to strengthen your characters' stats and such, that would go a long way towards truly getting invested in the game.
At any rate, well done and beautiful work!