after checkpoint 29 seems impossible
Wow you nearly made it. Well, If I understand correctly (because there is a lot of death traps going on there between checkpoint 29 and 30), where the second bird is there is a platform on the top of the room. From this point you need to jump once on the right then let the player fall until you pass 2 raws of spikes on your right. Once you pass them while still falling you need to use your second jump ability (just before you hit the floor of spikes) in order to reach the platform on the right. It is all about using your second jump ability at the right moment. It can be tricky because you have to do it on the first flying bird some seconds ago, but on the first one you need to pass only one spike raw while falling before you use your second jump ability unlike the second time where you need to do it after you pass 2 raws of spikes on your right so the brain can be tricked and act earlier on the second bird jump.
Again I still hope we are talking about the same point of the game and my explanation was not so confusing. I hope it was helpful. And btw you did beat the third boss which supposed to be way harder compared to the second one. Kudos for that!!
Let me know if this was the correct point. You are really near the end, I think it's one more checkpoint and then its the final one before the boss and its true the environment near the endgame is hard.
You understand the game & I am happy for it and since you made it so far you have to beat it! Cheers!!!
hi , yes we are talking about the same thing ! i had been trying the route you recommend but couldnt get that way , must try harder !
i managed to bypass the 3rd boss - dropped down onto the top platform , then the one below and down to the ground ... this draws the boss closer to ground level . then quickly jump back up the platforms to the top one and double jump over him to the exit - job done !
i will try your way tonight but have a feeling i wont be able to beat the final boss :)
thanks again