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(3 edits)

Juho's Fire Adventures, A Review (Updated)

The Short: The game has some interesting principles, but needs a lot of polish. Most glaring, I was unable to complete it due to a broken map (after the developer clarified that there is a hidden moving event which you need to stumble upon I was able to continue).


  • Consequences to choices. Bringing a kid to a fire seemed like a bad idea, and it was.
  • Some nice incorporation of foreign language (French) as a game play element (although I never found the dictionary needed to translate it in game). I also liked the PSA about emergency numbers.
  •  The battle gimmick of expending H20 (mp) to fight fires feels consistent with the theme (although this could be much more developed and difficulty could be increased).
  • A couple puzzles, which were not particularly challenging, but diversified the gameplay.


  • Unbeatable - at least based on my single play through. On day 3 of the game, the characters see a thief, and then are teleported after him into an abandoned house. After thoroughly exploring the small house, I could find no way out of it and nothing to do in it. So either I missed something, or the event is broken. In any case,  I quit at that point.
  • Needs a lot of polish. For instance, trying to enter a room in the firehouse triggers an untranslated Finnish text. Or, during the tour of the town, there is a skipped sequence. The image for the dirty dishes shows its background layer, instead of being transparent.  On the firehouse map , a duplicate of the firehouse can be seen at the edge of the screen (presumably the night version of the station, which for some reason shares the same map).  A number of NPCs can be talked with infinitely, giving items/etc. There are lots of little things along these lines, which ultimately
  • Characters are rather undeveloped and the city is pretty lifeless.  Anyone who is in authority in the game demand that the player respect them and be impressed by them, which seems like a poor leadership trait... Although maybe this is a critique of a certain current leader.
  • Really easy combat, with the exception of the first boss encounter, which seemed like a major difficulty spike. Also it would be nice to have some way to clear blindness (or maybe I missed it?), since this effect is used by almost all enemies, and makes battles more tedious, with no way to clear it.

It's a game with some heart, but needs a lot of work still.

Thank you for your review! Now for some answers to what left you wondering:

The dictionary is found early in day 4.

Sorry if the purpose of the dark house was unclear. The event was actually invisible, so one simply needed to move around the house until stumbling upon the thief, no action button required. The invisible thief (because it is dark) is set to move around the middle of the house randomly but slowly. So it should not have been broken by any means. FUTURE PLAYERS, PLEASE TAKE THIS INTO ACCOUNT! And if you, Rubescen, happen to have retained the game in your downloads after playing, maybe you would like to try that part again with this in mind? Again, really sorry about that. The third robber to catch, if you choose to pursue this side quest, actually works exactly the same way.

Now I do remember without looking what that Finnish text probably was. It was just Minerva telling you not to go into her room, so you missed nothing from that. I should have translated that, in any case.

I was trying to economise space and events given my RPG Maker platform, so some houses do share the same map, and I was limited in what events I could put in the cities to give more life. I also found out very late in the process that one can change the colours of the screen to make it look like night, so I probably should have just taken out those "night" counterparts.

I do hope someone at least makes it through the whole game in order to review all seven days of it! Now I admit I am concerned about that.

But thank you very much for what you could provide thus far!

Thanks for the clarification, I was able to finish playing (and I must have had really bad luck the first time around in the house, because I just never stumbled upon the thief).

As for that "I am your boss! Respect me!" stuff, I think that since I was writing for a kids' game I got into a child's mindset such that I wrote a bit like a kid at times, and it just sounded funny to me, so it stayed that way. And indeed akin to what you pointed out, these types could be seen as leaders despite whose questionable leadership traits the town continues to thrive, because of the dutiful civil servants holding everything together!

(1 edit)

You did not miss any cure for blindness, though perhaps I should have had something there for that. Though you must admit, curing blindness with eyedrops or something on the job would be a bit unrealistic. I thought of having equippable smoke-proof goggles, but I was not sure where I should put them. At least the smoke should have a low (5%) chance of causing blindness, though I forgot to reduce the (average?) duration.

I liked the graphic for the dirty dishes otherwise, but I have to agree that perhaps the background does not quite pass for a kitchen floor or wall when set against the battle background. Maybe I should replace it with a dirty car.

Did you have a thought to finish in your second bullet point under "Cons"? I believe Minerva can give you multiple copies of her letter to Lorent, and that you can obtain multiple pieces of rye bread from Mette after an interaction that takes long enough to make one question its worth, which I thought were relatively insignificant (not game-breaking, at least). Were there other instances of this?

Oh I did cut off there abruptly.  They're all pretty minor little things like that, but here are a few more that you could maybe fix if you think it needs them for an update: The thieves in the jail cells reset to the lobby, if you leave the room and return (touching them will immediately send them back to the cell).  You can use handcuffs on fire (this just seems a little weird). There is no exit from the ruins at the end of the game (before you use the key to fight the boss even (this may be intentional?). In the epilogue, if you explore the city, nothing has changed. This is mostly amusing, except for one major issue -- if you talk to the elder's wife again, she will trigger the sleep dialogue to embark on the final fight again. It may be possible to do this even before fighting the final boss as well.

I just thought the background on the dirty dishes was a mistake with the default photoshop background for transparencies (grey and white squares) showing up. Frankly, the combat was on the whole too easy/unvaried, and so blindness just felt like an annoyance dragging fights out longer, while I waited for it to wear off. The basic water usage mechanic is interesting, but maybe there are ways to expand on it to give more variance to combat, than mashing attack, over and over, and hoping not to get blinding.

I could not figure out how to make our robbers stay in their cells, so unless I figure that out, we could either buy into the conceit that even criminals need their recess until we call it off by running into them like bowling pins, or I could lock the jailhouse so players need not return after solving the puzzle.

Yes, you can indeed place fires under arrest for an instant K.O., which is why I had long wanted a way to distinguish between the two types of "death": "Arrest" for criminals and "extinguish" for fires. Unfortunately I could not figure out how to do that. Originally I wanted it such that robbers cannot be put down by firemen alone, but firemen's attacks can help increase the chance of a successful handcuffing (the only means of taking down a robber, which I originally thought would take place in battle). When I made fires immune to "death", however, it was not the "instant death" I initially thought it was; these fires would stay in my test battles even after copious amounts of damage, being impervious to "death", period. For now, let us just settle for the conceit that the constable has magic handcuffs capable of putting down fires!

Perhaps I should have made it more clear before the final meal that this would be the point of no return. And perhaps I should have seen if I could have made a more definitive ending than virtually starting day 7 over again with Minerva in tow.

Completing a side quest does give Juho and Kaj a new weapon that enables an attack on all enemies for double the cost of a regular attack, but perhaps one's water supply should be made to depend on an equippable water tank rather than on meals.

I absolutely agree that combat is exceedingly easy. When I asked what would suit a game for a 4-year-old, some said that it should not demand much more than to press the action button over and over again (For this reason, I wanted Lorent and Mette's default attacks to be based on their own weapons, the handcuffs, fire blanket, and handlamp, but that would have involved script editing which I cannot do on this engine.). What is also good about erring on the side of being too easy is that people are more likely to make it to the end.

Out of curiosity, when fighting "Mette on fire", did you put this fire down with your water attacks, or did she successfully get off her "stop, drop, and roll" move in which she instantly K.O.'s herself? I should have made it such that she regenerates HP too quickly to take her down normally, but the reason for her slow regen via "fanning herself" was that I originally had small numbers in mind for the very young audience I had mentioned in the above paragraph.