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A member registered Oct 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah, that looks like the case. Thanks for sharing (and playing)!

Congrats winners! Loved Ouroboros, so glad to see it got all the recognition it deserves!

Thanks for judging! Great thorough feedback, definitely like the idea of simplifying the switch mechanics. I'm still not sure why I decided to make a puzzle game, because I don't usually like playing them myself haha. But I'll definitely come back to this post if I decide to revise this after the jam.

Thanks for judging! And I appreciate the feedback!

Thanks, good feedback! if I make any revisions post jam I'll come back to this!

Ha, I completely missed that. Good to know!

Nice puzzle game! Here's a first impression video if you want more comments, and can suffer watching me struggle embarrassingly hard with the first bridge puzzle:

Very cool game, I'm particularly impressed by the time mechanic. Here's a first impression if you want more comments:

Good start here! I made more comments in this first impression playthrough, although I didn't get very far... if you want to watch:

Very cool little game. Here's a first impression playthrough (apologies for the clunking noises in the background... my upstairs neighbor decided to have a dance party or something...) :

Good parody! I made a first impressions if you want some rambling comments:

Great entry, really enjoyed this one. I recorded some first impressions if you want further review:

Solid game here! I made a first impression video if you want further comments:

Good effort! Needs some polish still, but a lot of good concepts. Here's a first impression video if you want further comments:

Appreciate you giving it a go, and thanks for the review! Ironically, I don't really like puzzle games myself, so I'm not sure why I made that my core mechanic... I'm glad they didn't end up being too frustrating/difficult. I'm also happy to hear that their was some emotional payoff to the story! Thanks again for playing!

Beautiful work! I recorded first impressions playing if you want more comments:

Intriguing entry! I made a first impression video playing the start of this if you want to check it out:

Fantastic work ! I made a first impression video playing the start if you want to check it out, but I'm looking forward to finishing this one:

Nice work, Caz! I made a first impression video playing it, if you want to check it out: 

One of the things that is great about these competitions is getting feedback, so I'd be glad to get some on (puzzle/light action). I'm also running through games, making first impressions videos. So having a list of people who want review is nice (otherwise I just pick ones that look interesting to me), so I'll reference this too! Good topic, thanks! :D

Thanks for playing/reviewing - was fun watching you go through the puzzles!

This is a good recommendation. I just thought I'd add a couple links on the topic I've recently been looking at,  since I've been thinking about this for the game I'm working on too:

Hey, sorry it didn't work for you. Thanks for letting me know. I don't have access to chrome os, but I'm not sure why that would cause it, since it should run in the chrome browser. I'll take a look and see if I can find a solution.

Maiden can be pretty tough! As you probably noticed, the trunk heals her while it's active, taking that out first then burning her down before it recovers was my go to playtesting strat. Alternatively, you could try exploring some other areas to get some buffs and then head back. If you mostly avoided fighting getting to her, she'll be rougher. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback and judging!

Thanks for playing. The first boss is definitely a bit of a gate check. I am planning to tweak the success/failure formula significantly to feel less random, since getting constant negative results is frustrating (I also saw a playthrough, were they kept getting all successes, so a bit too much RNG). There are other items that will cure each status effect, and they should drop pretty regularly from monsters who deal it, but again RNG, so I'll look into that. Money is pretty slow coming early on, and I think I should just have all traders allow you to sell, since it's mostly just annoying to find a trader and not have enough to purchase anything.
In any case, thanks for the feedback!

Awesome, thank you for streaming it, wish I could've caught it live, but I've been out of internet range the past week! :(

(1 edit)

Thanks for the extensive comments! Most of this I definitely agree with and needs tweaked balanced. Especially the success rates on skill use, it's too low.
A couple of notes just to clarify mechanics. The damage spikes are due to your characters will being low. If it gets down to zero the formula spikes (semi-intentionally) causing massive damage, and will pretty much lead to anything one-shotting the player. As long as you have more than 0 will, it won't spike so ridiculously, but it will still be significantly higher damage. I definitely needed to do a better job communicating the will mechanic, since no one seemed to understand it in their streams.

In any case, super helpful feedback, thanks for playing/judging.

Sorry for the delay, I've been off the grid the past week. Thanks for playing all the way through! Did you have a full party of 3 when you fought her. 2 vs her is pretty challenging, 3 vs her, my couple playtesters usually managed after a fail or two, but there's a lot of tweaking still needed for sure on all the encounters.
Currently no other ending, but after the jam finishes, I have some more content to add, in addition to make some changes based on all the feedback so far.

(1 edit)

Very quirky and cute, but I think the mapping and combat need some work. I go into more details in this first impression video:

Game looks very good, although I found the dialogue a bit lacking and the combat frustrating. In any case I made a first impression video if you want to see my experience:

Per your request, a first impression video:
Good work on this!

Hey, very cool entry, I made a first impression video with more thoughts  if you're bored:

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for streaming it (and judging in general, quite a task)! It's very helpful to see what you liked and didn't, and what mechanics were confusing. There's a number of suggestions you make that I'm definitely going to incorporate into later version (customizing stats was in my original plan, but didn't have time to implement - thus the goofy tutorial note you'll level up automatically from exp haha). Look forward to seeing your full review once the round is over.
(ps: I'm really intrigued by your description of the game you're working on "Disco Elysium filtered through eternal sunshine and blue valentine," definitely keeping an eye on that!)

edit: (pps: oh and it was supposed to be Lantern Star, for some reason I forgot how to spell it about 50% of the time in the text :\ )

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing! You did pick the hardest character, but not necessarily because of MP issues -- as I mentioned below, I missed her basic attack upgrade when I was tweaking damage last minute, oops! Her regular attack will be in line with the other characters in the future. This mostly matters early game, but it does make her a bit of a grind.

In any case your feedback is helpful, other than the Witch Music - I love that track ;). I'm contemplating how to adjust randomness. It's currently pure random d100, which means if your stats are 50, still only 50/50 chance. I was playing a lot of call of cthulu while working on this, so I stuck with that -- but it probably needs to be skewed a bit in the player's favor, so that combat doesn't feel inevitable (i.e. so that you can actually feel like the abilities do something: stealing from enemies grants gold on success; negotiating can result in heal/posion and would clear, etc.). I also plan to make it more transparent.

In terms of difficulty/attrition, I'm pretty happy with the levels myself, but your feedback helps me see how others are experiencing it. So thanks again for playing and your critique.

Hey,  I saw you posted a comment on the last first impressions video, but then it disappeared. Don't know if you still wanted a video, but you got it:
tl;dw: I really like the world building, but I wish there was less dialogue to get into the game. I never actually got to any gameplay, since my 15 minutes was taken up reading text boxes mostly.

I really enjoyed the art in this game. Combat was pretty dry though. Also, the sound levels were really wonky, and need some adjustment. You can see what I mean in this first impressions video I made:
(ps when I was compiling the video I realized that the riddle at the start has the hint for the star pillars - so that was nice, but maybe some later reminder would help).

A lot of interesting ideas in this game. I agree with Yoroiookami below though, the random encounters were disruptive, maybe turn down the encounter rate, or find a way to make it on map. In any case, I made a first impressions video playing it, if you want to check it out: