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(5 edits) (+1)

So if you have a ton of pearls you can damage them by clicking anywhere? Interesting, didn't know since I haven't gotten super far in the game before losing progress and haven't gotten around to trying again. Still, you shouldn't need to have a crazy amount of pearls or cheat to go to the Elf Kingdom for the first time. Nor should the fights be hard to figure out and win due to a small, invisible, changing weak point and lack of a good explanation or hints about how it works (wow, that actually sounds kind of like quantum physics).

I wasn't aware the W+P+N cheat still worked because I couldn't get it to work. How exactly do you do it? Just press the W+P+N keys in that order? Do you have to hold all 3 down at the same time? Does Caps Lock or capitalization matter?

Are you sure the pink skip button actually costs more? I thought it charged the same amount for each level you wanted to skip per click. So for example if it costed 5000 WP for 1 level, I thought it'd cost 50000 if you set the skip button to 10 levels. Of course after each click the cost would go up, but per each click I thought it was the same for however many levels you selected.

While Spiral Power may become unnecessary after awhile, that wasn't really the point. I'm saying it should still have a reasonable impact, and that the Crystal Pendulum shouldn't become the only useful option. After all the game does have "Spiral" in the title. Also it would let Titnosis serve its purpose: Doing damage and/or earning willpower without clicking or by AFKing.

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Hold W+P, and press N for 5Q willpower. Keep pressing it for 5Q each. Caps Lock has no effect. Yes, I have checked. The Skip Button charges a certain amount extra, depending on how many levels you're trying to skip. The early levels aren't really a problem here: it's the later levels that really cut into your WP. Almost all of the girls start needing NONs, after a few thousand levels. By Lv 10,000, only Helen and Sally are still in the Qs. By 20K, only Helen. Helen is easily the cheapest girl in the game overall. Her initial cost starts out higher than some of the early Campus girls, but at Lv. 50K, when everyone else costs several NON per level, she's still costing a bit less than 200Q per level. I literally had to download an Auto Clicker program to make up the time difference in leveling girls up. Also, I recently discovered that earning Loyalty from Campus, City and Countryside can also earn you a crapton of Pearls.

The first 200 levels net you 1 Pearl every 20 levels. From there to 300, it increases to 1 per 10 levels. For each hundred after that, the overall Pearl gain increases by 4.

In the Countryside alone, I've earned about 36,000 Pearls I have yet to redeem. This is because I'm now earning 14+ Pearls per level. Pearl gain seems to be equal in all regions, so start with the Campus. The only reason I use the Country is because you gain enormous amounts of WP there, so it's not difficult to upgrade Click Power & empty the girl's WP gauges.


Alright got W+P+N to work, thanks. I think it was because I thought it was W+N+P which doesn't work, so order does matter. But I don't really want to use it unless I happen to lose my save again. Seems a little counterproductive that the skip button costs extra willpower. The whole reason you'd use it is to regain lost levels faster. Why still leave people with a set back by charging extra? But I'm doubting that you need to or are even expected to level the girls as high or get as much willpower as you did, because as you said when the numbers start getting so high it causes visual problems and slows down the game. Also the last achievement for total levels is 100,000 which you can get by leveling each girl to level 2000 - 3000 if you have most or all of them.

But you also used an autoclicker which isn't supposed to be necessary, nor do I think it should be. That actually only adds to my point I was making about Spiral Power and Titnosis. Titnosis is like a slow, semi-autoclicker or would have been, but Titnosis is not useful for draining willpower at later levels or even after the early levels, which is one of the main times that you'd actually want to use an autoclicker.  Also Titnosis and the regular Spiral would supplement your own clicking, if they actually did reasonable damage later on. But as you said, Spiral Power doesn't really increase after it reaches 10M. Meanwhile the Crystal Pendulum, instead of relying on Spiral Power, multiplies click power by about 20X with a well-timed click. So that 10 QT click power at level 400? That becomes about 200 QT with a well-timed click, while Titnosis and the regular Spiral become useless well before then. That's why Spiral Power should be much higher or increase at a rate proportional to Click Power.

I did notice that the Countryside and Beach conquests generate lots of willpower after awhile. But with the Beach it doesn't make sense that the Loyalty doesn't count towards pearl generation, and that despite not counting for pearls, it gets reset when you reset for pearls. Yes you can use Countryside and the other regions for pearls but it's still strange.

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It seems Spiral Power got a huge buff in V0.31. Instead of being stuck in the millions, mine now deals 1.1T of damage. It's still less than a millionth of my Click Power, but it used to be much lower, so big improvement. I don't play the Beach anymore, since I got the CGs. I use the Countryside exclusively, because of the absurdly high Pearl yield. Recently, I've only been leveling up a few girls at a time, in order to properly measure how many Pearls I'm getting from Regional Loyalty. However, with only 5 or 6 girls above level 1, I still have a massively boosted Spiral Power. I assume that taking the time to max everyone out would be an even more massive Spiral power-up. I've been double and triple checking the rate of Loyalty Pearl gain for each Region. I listed the Campus in a previous comment. Once I've confirmed the numbers, I'll post the City and Countryside rates.

Oddly enough, the Spiral does absolutely nothing to the Campus girls now, but is still perfectly effective against your Harem Girls. Not sure why, probably a minor bug.

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So it was buffed just recently, nice. I don't think I was the only one who said something about it but I've definitely been one of the most vocal about it. That's actually about a 100,000x increase which should help it keep up for a lot longer, or at least if you level every girl rather than just a few. Maxing out every girl might not result in more spiral power if there's a cap based on total levels, but otherwise it might.

When you say Spiral does nothing to the Campus girls now, does that include the City, Countryside and Beach conquest girls or just the College Campus conquest girls? Probably a bug either way. Helping against the conquest girls is one of Spiral Power's main uses. That includes having Titnosis keep doing it for you while you relax or take a break. So hopefully it's just a bug.

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I haven't tested it against the City, Country and Beach girls yet. I'll do that today. The buff is actually about 1Mx previous Spiral Power, since it it went from millions to trillions, and since I spent last night maxing out several girls at 50k, my Spiral should be much stronger. I'll edit this comment when I have the number.

Edit: My SP is now 4T. That's so much better than before. Spiral Glitch extends to City and Country. Probably Beach, too.

City Pearl gain starts out at 1P/35Lv, until Lv70, when it becomes 1P/10Lv, then 1P/5Lv at Lv140, 1P/4Lv at Lv210, 1P/3Lv at Lv280, 1P/2.5Lv at Lv350, 4.5P/10Lv at Lv420, 5.5P/10Lv at Lv490, 6P/10Lv at Lv560, 6.5P/10Lv at Lv630, 7P/10Lv at Lv700, and continues to increase incrementally every 70 levels.

Haven't checked Beach or Countryside yet for Glitch or Pearl gain rates. Countryside needs to be reset first, so I'm saving it for last. Probably won't bother with Beach, since it supposedly doesn't count towards Pearl gain at all.

The Spiral Glitch doesn't always kick in at the City, unlike the Campus, where's it's always useless. Sometimes the Spiral works, sometimes it doesn't. It must be difficult to program so many games at once. Hope Changer is getting enough sleep.

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Spiral Power is actually not glitched the way we thought. It's just so weak in the territories, that it has no visible effect on any girl with HP higher than 1B. However, against your Harem Girls, the attack power is at least 1Mx higher, the difference growing more when you level up more girls. I don't think there's a Spiral Cap, so just level Erika up to 50k, make her Librarian, and use her to level Sally up, then level Sally up manually as far as she'll go, make her the new Librarian and finally, level everyone else up. Spoiler Alert: Even with an Auto-Clicker going at 40cps, it still takes about 90min. per girl (about 600 levels per 30sec.) to level them up this way, assuming that your Click Power is high enough to 1-shot their defenses continuously, as in Lv250+, as I suggested before. None of the Harem Girls' shields ever get as high as the Countryside. Even at 108k, the strongest ones' defenses are still in the low Qs, rather than in Overflow Errors. Considering that amount of time WITH an Auto-Clicker, it would take between Days to Weeks, trying to do them all manually, and I don't have the finger functionality that I used to. Arthritis is hitting my hands, so I genuinely need it.

Countryside Pearl gain started at 8P for the first 70Lv, then 24P forLv71-140, 41P for Lv141-210, 57P for Lv211-280, 74P for Lv281-350, and continues to increase incrementally every 70Lv. The rapid Pearl gain, as well as the massive WP gain from the Country Girls, makes this area the best place to farm both of those things.

Side note: When trying to earn Cash, have Ms. Rack dance at the Auditorium(if you've summoned her, that is). She has the most raw Talent for it. Then you bring Campus Loyalty to a high level, go back to the Auditorium, click Change, and click Ms. Rack again. The amount she earns should go up correspondingly to the Campus Loyalty. Every 1000Lv should allow her to earn 500k, and it stacks. At Lv3000, she brings in $1.5M+, which is easily enough to upgrade Buildings and store-bought Power-ups. After a Reset, she continues earning the same amount of Cash, even though Loyalty has been reset to 0, until you try to change who's dancing, then it goes back to Base Value.


How did you find out how Spiral Power is behaving in territories? Did Changer say something about it? But it's still a glitch right? Whatever Spiral Power or Click Power is stated to be is supposed to be true across the board right? How would it even be different unless there's a value for each territory that has to be changed?

I calculated 100,000x  because you said your spiral power was previously 10M but had increased to 1T after the update. 1T divided by 10M is 100,000. But I see it can still increase further. Have you tried Titnosis on the territory girls? If Spiral Power currently only has 1 / 1000th of its stated power against territory girls, 1 / 1000th of 1T is 1B, and for Titnosis that's damage per second (barring shop upgrades). If you have 4T spiral power and it's really 1/1000th of stated spiral power against territory girls, then it should be one shotting against 4B or less HP.

I don't think I'd want to program many big games at once. Or I'd want to take turns with them so that I'm only focusing on one to a few at a time and the feedback that comes with them.

I think that the update is having trouble applying itself correctly to the Territories. When I look at the Stats page in Settings, it takes about 5-6 seconds for the update to change the SP display. Depending on what your total Harem Level is, the Spiral Power starts out with a low number, then after 5-6 seconds, it increases significantly. I don't think the increase is registering correctly in the Territories. I found out, because I double checked it myself, after a Pearl reset. Once your Harem Level is high enough, you'll be able to do SOME damage to the Territory Girls, just not as much as intended. Back before the Reset, the SP would first register in the Millions, then go straight to the Trillions. It got to the point of becoming 10T before the reset, which is where my numbers came from. Click Power is always accurate. However, I have noticed that some of the WP gathering done by Harem Girls isn't displaying right. My High End Summon Girls are only displaying 250T, but I gain 25Q instead. I'm glad I can help debug this game, I just hope we're not causing Changer too much anxiety. Guy's got enough on his plate, as is.

Interestingly enough, I think I found a Library-related bug. When I use the Library to quickly bring up a girl's level, the price for leveling them up normally seems to increase ridiculously. Because I'd been doing this exclusively before, I thought they were just unreasonably expensive. But after a Reset, I noticed that Erika, the first girl you get, is even cheaper than Helen by at least 2Q, when they're at the same level. However, Mavre, one of the new additions, was leveled up in the Library, and her price is now in the NONs. And she's at less than half the level of Erika or Helen. The Library is still the easiest place for me to level them up, so this bug doesn't really stop me, because of how I'm set up, but other people may find this bug extremely troublesome.

Guess what? I've been using the Invisible Spiral this whole time, and it's glitchy. But Titnosis and Assnosis (yes, he actually added it) work just fine anywhere.

Recently, I checked just how much the Skip Button can charge. At Lv8000, Helen costs 3Q to level up once, but to Skip 25 levels, she costs 316Q, when she SHOULD only cost 75Q. It's literally over quadruple the proper price. Ouch, talk about gouging.

Wow yeah, even if accounting for each level getting more expensive, is still probably comes out to 4x the normal price or more. I don't think it should cost that much just to save some clicking to get back to levels you've gotten your girls to before. Even if such a "shortcut" should still cost something, 2x the normal price would be plenty.