Hi Dumrum,
I enjoyed your game. Here is my feedback :
1. Whether you had problems understanding the mechanics
=> i got it. The double attack with quick and standard was a bit strange to me. I think player could easily miss it.
2. Whether it was fun to play (and more than anything: what was fun)
=> yes that was fun. I liked the end level reward where you can choose skills and customize your team. I was happy to recruit a Vampire. I like the difficulty, a bit easy but ok.
3. What is it that you don't like (or whether you feel like this game takes a wrong direction in general)
=> I didn't like that much the sprites, especially the enemies but the heros are great. I think the UI can be improved but that's ok for a proto. Maybe the text can be bigger, or maybe I am getting older... Oh ! And I am not a big fan of windows install, i did it nevertheless because you spend 9 month on it and because of the TRPG roguelike genre that I enjoy. I suggest that you upload a webgl build.
4. Whether the text on my itch.io page helped you to get an image of the game
=> Not really. But the screenshot helped.
I just red wolf comment and I agree with him regarding the blury character. I think the same, something is wrong when you import the sprite and I am pretty sure you forget about the compression ;)