"I did want to make a more detailed Instructions section, maybe even a step-by-step tutorial, but didn't have enough time. Do you think this would have helped? Just so I know how detailed I need to go, have you read these recommended guides before starting the game? "
No. The game by itself is too complicated, no matter how you explain it.
"Just so I know how detailed I need to go, have you read these recommended guides before starting the game? "
No. I did read most of the instructions on the game itself though.
"Also, could you clarify what you mean by "fake clue"? "
Example: When you go to the Dr's house it says "I know what you did."
"New Game basically means creating a new game, and Continue means continuing your current game. Is that what you're referring to?"
No. I mean like, after you lose all or guesses/ "deduct" the correct person you should just start a new investigation.
"I don't really understand your last point. The first person not having any option is because they have nothing to say yet. Or do you mean that you'd like for the first person to have an option instead?" OK. I get they have nothing to say that.
What I recommend doing is making so that the first person has an option by default.
If you need the whole recording of me playing the game, here is a VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1000715818
Starts at about 38:30.