Gday, Playing with Expanding AI on turn 279, it hasn't expanded at all, alas. As you can it has spammed IN. It did have a lot of FI too, but that was all. A city it owned said it was building TR but never launched any. [I know you have said the AI needs help, I'm just giving feedback :)]
Also, the Activate last doesn't always activate the last unit. ( it does say in the RHS help box "The last child activated manually") it is inconsistent and doesn't always activate the last unit moved.
Finished the game. The above shots is his view for the game and stats.( In the units produced table he only produced IN, FI, DE & TR)
Also this window "Unit Processing Stopped" (below) keeps appearing, is there an option to stop it appearing? I know unit processing is stopped :).
Also, where do I find the battle odds calculator? It would be handy to have come up before you attack.
Sorry found something else: Inland cities with ship specialties seems a waste/unrealistic.