I created the 200x38 map and populated a city with about 50 units I placed there.
In the list of units, if you move a unit it swaps the unit. It should remove it from the list, and insert it in the list rather than swapping. This means anytime I drag and drop, my well ordered list gets all messed up. Moving a unit from near the bottom of the list to near the top of the list next to the units that I wanted to load onto it was tedious and time consuming in the extreme! Again, what it should do is when I reach the top of the list, the list should start scrolling until I get to where I want to drop it. I had to do 6 drag and drops to get it where it needed to be.
Now if the load feature wouldn't always pick up my defensive units first (AA, Artillery) that might, repeat might be helpful. If I could, like EDEE select a "DEFAULT UNIT TO LOAD" or have a priority list for each unit that can host others that would be fantastic. (one priority list for each host unit). Drag and drop is extremely picky as far as positioning the item and there is no feed back like drag and drop in Windows that highlights the entry you are dropping onto before you release it. So a lot of my drag and drops just failed. What would be beneficial is if there was a Move Up or Move Down button (just one for the entire list) and pressing and keeping it pressed down would move my unit up or down in the list until I released the button. Better if I could select a group of units and move all of them as a group (like all of my infantry to my helicopters). What I would really like is a persistent Tree window like EDEE that allows interaction with the map. I could very rapidly organize (load/unload) and move out units. In most cases, for a city, I like to deal with all the units in that city at one time.
You commented that a lot of people really liked the game. If you play a very simplistic game with very few units, yes, it is ok. Once you start accumulating units in one place, it becomes very tedious and onerous to deal with the unit lists. How to make this really workable - when I select a unit in the list and I highlight the load button, an additional list of all the units present in the City/Port/Airbase for my selected unit that I wish to fill pops up and I get to select the units to add (multiples). That would really ease the tedium over the very the onerous multi Drag and Drop in these situations.
Maybe a lot of the people who like this game just don't mind numbing, time wasting and extremely keyboard/mouse intensive tedium of doing what should be simple things with what I have found to be an extremely rudimentary interface. I am sincerely trying to be constructive.
This game has absolutely tremendous potential for the concept but the interface needs a lot of turbocharging! It is sort of like an NFL game where every play gets flagged and every play has to be reviewed - it just ruins the flow of the game. By the time I get something done, I forget why I was doing it in the first place..