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Really polished experience!

- Can get a little repetetive towards the end. Does each stage have 1 encounter that repeats?

- Maybe a overall progress bar to show you far you are from the end goal. Or did I just overlook that? At some point I was just thrown into the castle

- The Melee/Knight Summoning seems to be really crazy powerful. I tried all three and died with the other two. Spamming Knight summons however, I found no level to be difficult.

Thanks for giving it a go! The amount of content in the second half of the game is definitely lacking, so I agree that it does get a bit repetitive. There's a progress bar that shows how far you are from the next gate, but nothing indicates how many gates there are total. I'll add that in!

I appreciate the feedback about the knight. That class is the only one who gets a summon, I'll need to look into balancing it if it proves to be *too* good. Was it easy because you had endless meat shields?

>Was it easy because you had endless meat shields?

Pretty much, in the beginning it was a bit inconsistent but after the first gate or so I could summon so many things, I also had two companions who could each summon a bat. Then the mana thing that gives 1 mana per unit and the one that heals 3 and reduces all cooldowns by 1.

Since basic attack is just 1 cooldown I was able to tank hard with my knights / have all of them attack / fully recharge mana / have everybody attack again.

Also I'm not sure if this is intended but you can move -> summon knight on mana point -> instantly have the knight consume the mana point and draw a card, disregarding summoning sickness.

Yeah, sounds like you had a pretty powerful combo going on there.  Definitely a fine line between feeling powerful and having fun vs. being overpowered and making the content a walk in the park. I'll see what I can do to tweak things, thanks again for playing!