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A member registered Mar 08, 2015 · View creator page →

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Yeah, this was on windows. It happens in windowed mode too. I'm playing in 1440p.

Cute art, it's got a distinct style to it. I had some technical difficulties unfortunately, when I started the demo it looked like pic related.

Then in combat, I pressed what I assumed was the button to view your graveyard? It put an overlay on the screen and I was unable to interact with anything after that.

For the parts that I could play, I enjoyed. It gave off Slay the Spire vibes which is a good thing. I couldn't really tell how resources worked for casting cards though. The icon seemed like it would cost me life to cast, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Thanks for giving it a go! I'm not a "Competant" speller it seems, thanks for the catch!

Yeah, some kind of indicator to show your progress to 4 hits would be really beneficial I think.

As for what to do about your controls, that's a tough one. It is nice being able to move without a virtual joystick.  Not really sure what to do about combat though unless you made it passive somehow.  I definitely don't think you'll get a joystick and button in portrait mode, so I don't think you're wrong there.

I'm a sucker for small planet games, so I think you should keep working on this. I played in portrait mode and got to wave 6.

- I couldn't really tell what triggered the spin move to recharge.
- The game continued even when I ran out of health.
- Tapping to attack felt inconsistent, since it's also used for movement.

Thanks for giving it a try! I'm glad to hear that it was enjoyable, I'll see what I can do to make the goblin boss feel more fair.

Strange to hear that the deck screen started at the bottom, I'll need to investigate that. For some reason that part of my UI is a constant thorn in my side.

Thanks for giving it a go! Balance is an ongoing struggle for me, I'm not sure I'll ever get it completely nailed down.

That glitch is a hard one to fix.  Scrollviews are weird in Unity, but I'll try and get that sorted out.

That's a good idea about the middle mouse button. That isn't being used by anything else at the moment, so it could be used for that. Currently you can move the mouse to the edge of the screen (or use WSAD) but sometimes that isn't convenient.

I tried improving the progress bar to show you just how many bosses are left, hopefully that helps! The gates light up as you complete them.

There's currently no non-random card removal.  I've been meaning to add cards for the Thief class which will allow you to discard cards non-randomly, but I've been too lazy to develop that mechanic.

Thanks again for giving it a go!

Thanks for giving it a go! There's no numerical indicator for movement, but I could see how that'd be helpful. My biggest struggle is just figuring out how to convey something like that without cluttering the screen.  I hadn't thought of right clicking out of windows, but something like that shouldn't be too hard, I'll see what I can do!

So I tried again, with instructions in mind. I was able to actually get into combat this time, but man I guess I just suck at this game. It wasn't immediately obvious when I should be in move or shoot mode, the player character changed colors which I assumed was some kind of indicator but I couldn't figure it out.  When I did change modes, it didn't seem very responsive and I felt like I wasted time. As a result, I probably stayed in shoot mode too long causing me to die.  I think this could be fun with some additional polish and more fleshed out visual clues.

Thanks for giving it a try! I'll definitely make adding a tutorial a priority, I think that'd help a lot of people. Maybe I can see about different types of boss fights to cater to different playstyles.

I thought this was really good. I didn't run into any bugs, and the gameplay loop is solid. I think with some additional juice you'd have something special on your hands.

Not entirely surprised, the joys of an anonymous board.  I hadn't looked at your game page, but I can see you laid out a lot of instructions there. I'll try it again tonight with all of these controls in mind and give it another shot!

So I tried my best to give this a go, but the absence of keybinds or controls made it impossible. I was able to navigate to the first room and get in combat. I was able to target a dunce and bring up my available actions with space. It looks like I could choose "Number Two Strike" or "Number Two Sketchup" but I couldn't figure out how to select either. I tried space, enter, left/right click with no success.  I tried pressing escape to navigate to another enemy, but the game closed instead.

Pretty good! Platformers aren't really my thing, but I got through quite a few levels here!

- I did find it difficult to chain together extended wall jumps.  I thought that I had the timing down, but she just didn't stick. Probably just my lack of skill but I found it frustrating nonetheless.

- If the girls back is to a wall, she can't throw her katana. Not sure if that's functioning as intended, but it threw me off a bit.

- Throwing the sword felt good when it connected into some kind of combo, everything feels smooth there.

I think you have something really good here, I'd definitely continue to expand on what you have and keep polishing it up.

Thanks for giving it a try! I was putting off a tutorial until all the core gameplay elements were introduced, but I think I'm finally there. I'll try and get a tutorial added before the next demo day!

Thanks for playing! Comments like these keep me going, I appreciate it.

Not going to lie, I struggled a good bit on this one.  Something about having to prep the fireball and click again to fire tripped me up.  I think part of the reason is that the game is relatively fast paced, and having to prep the fireball first was more of a hinderance than a strategic benefit. Also, when I tried to reverse the fireball while it was in flight, the graphic flipped but the direction remained constant.  I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if there was an option to fire the fireball immediately, without any prep involved.

The only other criticism I'd have is that the jumping felt really floaty, but that might have just been a design decision given how much stuff you're trying to avoid.

The one hit kill felt punishing, but that can work if you have smaller levels. Unfortunately I didn't progress far enough to find out.

Yeah, sounds like you had a pretty powerful combo going on there.  Definitely a fine line between feeling powerful and having fun vs. being overpowered and making the content a walk in the park. I'll see what I can do to tweak things, thanks again for playing!

Thanks for giving it a go! The amount of content in the second half of the game is definitely lacking, so I agree that it does get a bit repetitive. There's a progress bar that shows how far you are from the next gate, but nothing indicates how many gates there are total. I'll add that in!

I appreciate the feedback about the knight. That class is the only one who gets a summon, I'll need to look into balancing it if it proves to be *too* good. Was it easy because you had endless meat shields?

Well, this was a bit 2hard4me.  I struggled with the jumping a good bit, and it's next to impossible for me to avoid damage from anything shooting bullets.  Maybe something to telegraph the incoming attack would help?

It would be nice to have a button to restart a game when you die, instead of having to go to the menu.

I'll have to try the weapon pickup again, it honestly might be user error and not a bug.

(1 edit)

I'm not generally a platformer guy, but I tried my best!

A lot of the art seems to be placeholders, so I won't comment on that too much.

The weapons I unlocked felt good, I like that projectiles are affected by gravity.  If you pick up a weapon when your slots are full, it looks like it just replaces the weapon in your currently equipped slot?  It'd be nice if your currently equipped weapon dropped to the ground so you could pick it up if you decide you don't like your new weapon.

The movement felt a little floaty, but it appears like you're under water, so it makes sense.

It wasn't immediately obvious that I was picking up scrap from the enemies I killed, for some reason I thought it would be health. It would be nice if the scrap got pulled towards you when you get close, rather than having to step on it.

I like the artwork of the shark eating the guy when you die.  It's a really good start, excited to see where you take it!

Thank you for this very helpful write up!  You're not the first one to request something that explains the keywords, so I'll definitely move that up in my to-do list.  I agree that it would be good for that to show up on the card somewhere too. 

The range isn't on the card, so you weren't dumb.  It needs to be there, just trying to figure out how to do it in a way that makes sense.

Those typos are the easiest thing I'll fix all day, so thanks for catching those!

Thanks again for all this helpful feedback, I'll be taking it all into consideration during my next iteration over the game.

Everything felt really polished, I don't have any real complaints.  My only problem is that I found it practically impossible to play with a keyboard, but I'm sure it's a lot better with a controller.

Just some general thoughts:

- I couldn't really figure out what the floating sword was for
- If I slide into a wall, my character just kept doing the sliding animation with particles going everywhere
- The screen distort really needs to be toned down on a jump/slide

Other than that, it felt like a pretty standard platformer to me.

What's the best way to run the .jar file on a windows system?  Might be worth including in the readme, I'm too dumb to figure it out.

Thanks for giving it a go!  This is all really good feedback.  I never thought about adding an undo movement button, but that would help a lot, even I sometimes move something on accident.  I know just what you're talking about in terms of the MTGA confirmation too, that would be good.  I'm glad you liked it!

Oh interesting!  I'm surprised you did so well with the double edged sword.  I was afraid that people wouldn't like it because you can take some very heavy damage from boss encounters.  Good to know that it worked well for you!

As units level up, they get to pick new abilities.  I think the healer gets better with some ranged heals, but maybe they need to start with one so they don't feel useless. Good to know that you always go for the magic missile companions, sounds like the other ones need a buff!

Excellent! I'm happy to hear that it held your attention long enough for you to finish it.

- I can add in a turn counter for the portal, I can see how knowing just how many turns remain would affect your strategy.
- I'll see what I can do about the dying companions.  Right now, there's a spell that'll resurrect allies that have died during combat, but it's restricted to the mage class.  Some of them are fragile though, and it definitely feels bad to lose them.
- Notoriety essentially just skips straight to the end boss if it fills up, whether you're ready or not. It'll be more relevant when there's more stages and it has a chance to fill up.

This is really good feedback, so thanks again! What class did you end up picking to beat the demo with?

Yeah, I think that'd make sense. I hadn't thought of that. There's logic in there already to use WSAD, so adding in the mouse control in shouldn't be too bad.

Thanks for giving it a go! I'm not sure why I didn't tie in zoom to the mouse wheel, I'll add that asap.

I gave it another go, and I found the stairs this time! Previously they just blended in with the wall around them. :p

That's probably it, I'm running on a 144Hz display. I'll see if that fixes it.

Cute, I really liked the music. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to easily change the direction by clicking and dragging when tracks intersected.  I also couldn't always tell which station a train was supposed to go to, but that was probably just me missing something.

Sweet jesus, this really hurt my eyes. The game felt fluid though, and I appreciated the hand drawn animations. I couldn't figure out how to leave the house though, which was unfortunate.

Everything was moving so fast, it was borderline unplayable. The fire effects were flickering so quickly I'm wondering if its moving faster than designed.

Some thoughts:

- It took me a minute to realize I needed to click and drag ingredients to the discard option. It looks like a button, so I was wondering why it was grayed out.  When dragging, it'd be nice if the image was synced to the mouse position instead of offset to the bottom right.

- I was able to make the mozz sticks that were on the novice list, but then I wasn't sure what to do after? I clicked close, but all the ingredients still just sat on the board.

- I clicked the arrow in the bottom right, thinking it was a way to progress after cooking something, but the game closed.

Yeah, definitely planning on adding a tutorial, just want to make sure I have the core gameplay loop completed before I sunk the time into one. Hopefully that'll help in the future.

Thanks again for giving it a go and providing feedback, I hope your friend gives it a shot! Slay the Spire was what inspired me to make the game in the first place.

Thanks for giving it a go yatpig! I'm glad you thought the gameplay loop was fun and solid. Is there anything that could be improved to help you through the game? Balance is one of the hardest parts for me, and things like the multiplying bunnies are constantly being tweaked.

As for losing progress when dying, maybe I can somehow make that a little less painful by carrying something over from attempt to attempt.