Ok, played on the server for a bit on the mage track. My notes:
- I like the theme of the game, and the style. It's silly, and I'm into that.
- Enemies and projectiles all felt a bit samey. All the enemies projectiles moved at about the same speed. There was some variation, but it wasn't quite pronounced enough to make me feel like I had to watch out for anything, or change my strategy.
- I was excited when an item dropped and I picked it up. But I couldn't tell if it was doing anything, it all felt the same. I can see you're going for longer term progression, but creating that moment of "oh awesome, now I can do X" is important imo. Like, if i picked up the amulet and my attack speed was twice as fast, that would feel great.
- Mole king had so much fucking health. It was a bit exhausting, especially when most enemies died in a couple hits. After hitting him ~100 times I got bored of fighting him.
- Love the idea of PvPvE. I think that's a strong feature, and though I didn't run into another player, the NPCs were nice. Wish they were a bit more of a threat though. I destroyed them pretty easily.
To sum up, I think you have some good potential here. I'd mostly think about how long term you want to progression to be, vs how rewarding you want it to be in the short term. My feeling is that it is tending a bit too much towards the former, and skimping a bit on the former. Part of the charm of these games is that you can make some really silly powerful stuff happen without a ton of effort. However, I am thinking about it in terms of playing ~20 demos, so it's not the ideal context to judge something that asks a longer commitment.