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its pretty fun i dig it

only complaint is that the music doesnt feel like it fits, it sounds too calm for something so crazy

btw there was a lot of jitter on the player character, this is likely cause of godot's physics process thingy agains my 144 refresh rate monitor, i know it cause i had this same issue in my game (i solved mine by just moving everything to regular process but my game isnt physics dependent so it might not be a good solution for u)

Thanks! For the music, the first level is very calm/orchestral on purpose. The next level music gets a bit more chaotic, and as levels progress and the bear finds themself in more crazy situations, the music will build until it is very crazy. But I do agree with you to an extent.

Thanks for testing on a 144 hz monitor!! Yes the jitter is something I'm aware of, I need to implement fixed timestep interpolation better so different draw rates work well.  I appreciate the feedback.