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(1 edit)

There should be some way to seed or manipulate the special Oasis treasure chest for a more favorable outcome. It's unnecessarily tedious to do an entire run to loop, carry bones to L1 1-3 to get to Coast and Oasis so you can get the loop-exclusive golden weapons to spawn, only to get a shotgun + machinegun or something you could've gotten pre-loop within 8 minutes. It leads to a less fun experience where you do numerous runs only to find a garbage weapon like bazooka + crossbow which gives a painfully slow crossbow bolt with a longer cooldown, or splinter gun that shoots grenades which is nearly identical to a shotgun that shoots grenades. It lacks experimentation.

My suggestion is having some sort of sentient underwater-themed mimic chest that can eat a compatible golden weapon, which guarantees an Oasis chest on the next run to give a combination of the stored/consumed weapon + a random weapon. I think that would allow for a lot of experimentation, and more control which equates to less frustration over getting terrible rolls. But just any way to seed a chest would be beautiful.