I admit that my thoughts were quite similar to yours, but as in the description of his game-novel and his presentation it specifies certain things, including the fact that English is not his native language, and that in addition it is his first work in this field ...
It will have kept me simple, without going into too many details. (That besides for the moment he can take them for superfluous.)
He's only just getting started for now, and he's young. - over time he will understand and feel for himself what he has in his heart to share, and then improve himself.
He seems to be very talented, let's give him time to learn and move forward at his own pace in this universe/area. - we all know very well that it is the best thing.
We must not forget that the main thing is to put his passion into what he does.
Obviously, the tips don't hurt. - but let's take it easy with him. Don't scare him too much from the start, it can have the opposite effect, and it stops him right away.