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So I might just suck but I got kind of stuck on the second level of the game, the one with the definitely not a box of snakes. There's a little gap it seems like you're supposed to fit through after turning on the third light but I can't get through it no matter how many times I throw myself at it. Not sure if it's a bug or user error but either way seems a little tough for just the second room.

Also I would recommend either making it full screen automatically or lowering the window size, the lower text options during the beginning dialogue were blocked by my taskbar so I had to hide it. Not a huge deal, just a usability note!

Apart from that though I liked what I was able to see! The little notes the narrator leaves you were quite funny and the sound/graphics fit the mood of the game. Wish I could see more of it, let me know if there's a trick I'm just missing.

Hey, thanks for the comment! You are right with the usability stuff, I didnt face that but it sucks you had to hide it!

Regarding the second level, there is a box you can jump on in the dark part of the level, near  to the narrator text (a bit above and to the right). You can jump on that and continue, would love to hear your opinion on the "full" game. I didnt have time to send it to anyone to playtest, so yea my hint with the snake box seems not to be very good :D

Aah knew I was missing something. I thought it was hinting that the platform we could see was actually a box of snakes so I didn't want to jump on it haha.

So I'm having a bit of trouble again at the rescuing Leah level. The tutorial said when you're touching the wall, she can move through it but it seems a little inconsistent? Sometimes I push up against the rightmost wall and Leah can walk through, sometimes she seems blocked completely no matter what I do, sometimes I die to the spikes and she can suddenly walk through the floor upon respawning without the black box moving at all.

I think it happened that I was so into the "zone" knowing what happens I forgot to better explain the mechanics...thats what happens if you are the only one playtesting!

So the mechanic basically is that if you touch a wall with a player, it gets solid for THAT player (leah or main character), and the other one can pass through. In the Leah 1 Level, you can jump up with the Player, then Leah can fall through the base box because it is solid for player, but not for Leah. As you now need to get both Leah and player to the exit, you need to think how to well do that :)