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As others have said, this has very nice production values. I'm not sure why the call for a tutorial, I found the battle system to be intuitive and easy to figure out. I just think maybe it would be nice to have a numerical indicator for movement points, unless I missed that. Also, I'm not sure if I can fix this in the settings, but you should allow players to right click out of certain windows instead of having to select the X in the corner. Other than that keep it up! I've seen your progress many times in the threads but had no idea this game was so comprehensive and full of content already.

Thanks for giving it a go! There's no numerical indicator for movement, but I could see how that'd be helpful. My biggest struggle is just figuring out how to convey something like that without cluttering the screen.  I hadn't thought of right clicking out of windows, but something like that shouldn't be too hard, I'll see what I can do!