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Okay, so I drank a bunch of alcohol until I was hung over, and now I can't sleep anywhere, I have a -30 to every stat, and I can't get rid of the hangover. Can someone help me out?


If you saved Cassie, she can help you cure your hangover.

But if you haven't done that, what I did was I kept walking back and forth for a long period of time until it passes which is very time consuming.

So next time, save Cassie first then you can get drubk all you want. Woohooo!!!


Marin and Fawn will also help you get over the hangover if you've followed their arcs enough. Marin is pretty passive-aggressive but she will help you get over the hangover. Fawn and Cassie are both quite caring,


There will be another, easier way to cure hangovers in next release!

Oh, that's good to know. Quick question, just out of curiosity: how long do you plan on continuing to add content to the game?


Not sure! It's the type of game that can basically be built on indefinitely XD. I'll definitely keep it going as long as I can come up with good stuff for it!

(Sounds like minecraft but you build sexy characters and relationships instead of structures)

haha, I suppose so! Certainly got that open world feel~

By any chance is there gonna be any development of more male love/sex interests? There are the bulls and the incubus and the highway man... And if I'm correct there is two non permanent characters too. I know this game is very centred around women but some nonbinary and men routes would be awesome! 


Yes, it's definitely something I'm working on!