I think there is some confusion here as you mention "the latest archive minus 1 ". Archives are not sorted by game, time, turn. They are named by you. It is up to you to choose the archive.
Saved games are displayed when you enter the loading screen from the main menu. Those are sortable by date, turn, etc. A saved game is different from an "archive". Making an archive is an intentional act on your part, not the act of saving. So when you make an archive, you are able to give it a name. Making an archive is discussed on/around page 74 of the manual.
To restore the archive, from the main menu you open to the Load Game screen, and click on the "Restore" button on the bottom. You should then see the list of all archives you have made, select the one you want and that will restore the game to that state. The archives are listed by name - there is not a date or turn information like there is in the Load Dialog, only the archive name you created. Your selection will overwrite whatever was already there.
Have you tried this and are you seeing something different?