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The Frog and Friends game!  It had such fun frog banter! Hmm It wasn't that the stream was cropped, I actually have a more square monitor, so I couldn't see that there was a character in the scene either.   Perhaps I'll give it a go on a different pc with more of a widescreen aspect ratio. 

Thanks for letting me know! 
-FishChiesa | artist | Box of Mushrooms

(1 edit)

Ooh yeah I didn't have time (and kind of forgot) to add adjustments for different aspect ratios so if yours is too different from 16:9 it makes sense you have issues. Sorry about that! You could try just jumping repeatedly and holding A and eventually the frog will hop onto the screen haha. There might be some issues with the underwater scene with that ratio as well though, so if you have a wider aspect ratio that'll probably be the best experience :) Thanks for playing it though!