Thanks for playing! I know it's an extra step or two to play a mobile game, and I appreciate the effort.
Currently there is no death because it's way too easy to lose health and a bit too hard to beat enemies, so you would die too easily and not be able to really play the game.
The spin is charged up by killing the enemies. Currently 4 hits to get a spin. I could probably make it a pie chart to unlock instead of fading in, similar to a lot of cooldown icons. I intend to have an effect when you hit an enemy, so maybe some kind of particle can float towards the spin button to indicate to the player that the spin is charging.
The tap to attack definitely needs polish if I'm going to keep it in the game, but I'm not really sure what to do about it. The intent was to make one-handed controls, but it seems the game plays better with two handed controls (virtual joystick and attack button), and those are landscape only because I didn't think it would work well in portrait (I may be wrong).