Thanks so much for playing it! Because of COVID, I rarely get to actually see someone play it for the first time and give commentary, so it was really useful. A few notes/questions:
- The HUD at the top of the screen isn't supposed to look like that.... Can I ask what resolution you're desktop was on or if you use any screen scaling?
- There are 2 types of platforms - the loose dirt ones can be dropped down/jumped through, but the rocky ones can't. I'm currently working on making them look more different from each other. Seeing the things you missed will really help me focus on what to make clearer!
- When you tried Classic mode and the game suddenly ended, is it possible you pressed "U" and then "G" for some reason? Those are cheats keys that trigger "Unlimited Hearts" and "Game Over", which seems to be what happened by looking at the screen. The game doesn't normally end like that! BTW, It says "P2 Press (A) to join" so that a second (or third or fourth) player can join with gamepads.
- the message after level 5 wasn't meant to signify the end of the game. There are 11 levels in total. I think I will make it so that message is displayed on game over instead.
- right now the gems are just used as an overall score, but I hope to add a system where you can buy things with them, or you need a certain number to get past certain points.
I'll be replying to the post you made on my game page as well, but it won't contain any information that isn't here. (Edit: and thank you for posting there too, I feel like it might encourage more engagement)
Thanks again for making the video! I got a really big bump in traffic from it. I'll try to send some your way in return.