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I'm getting strong Noitu Love 2 vibes from this game, and I think it's a well above average boss rush game, though not the most original game, but it's still very enjoyable. Though having said that there are some things I'd like to comment on. 

*I didn't find much use for the other weapons than the basic shooter, as it did roughly the same amount of damage as your other weapons yet it was the safest one to use.

*The levels felt like more like formalities than actual good content, and I would thought that it would have been awesome if they served as primers for the boss, with enemies having similar attack patterns as the boss so the level would serve as a teaching tool for the player.

*The way the last boss was setup felt a bit odd, it's cool that he had several forms, but the fact that it had checkpoints made the battle feel a bit cheap, like I was supposed to die a certain amounts of times before beating it. Is there some kind of reward for doing a no death run or was this a random design choice?

(1 edit)

1. Yup, fully aware of that issue. A last-second buff to the ice weapon combined with a last-second nerf of the rock weapon kinda resulted in that, since the ice used to be way too weak and the rock way too strong.

2. They're primarily intended as a way to let you gather HP before bosses. Most important in HP rollover mode (doubly so in game reset HP rollover mode), where your hitpoints are carried over from stage to stage (and in game reset mode you start the whole game over if you die once). It was also done to move the focus almost entirely over to the boss battles, in a similar vein to Alien Soldier. It's a good thought that the enemies could possibly be set up to teach you about some concepts that some of the bosses use though.

3. The checkpoints in the final boss were an anti-frustration feature, as there are a few final bosses that I was this close to liking in some games but then they had way too many forms with no health restores and no checkpoints. In other words, I did it because there are some final bosses that I felt were ruined by not having checkpoints between phases. I may have gone too far in the other direction here, mind you, especially since most of those games required you to replay super-long final stages if you even died 2-3 or so times between the boss and the stage.

Overall, those are some fair criticisms you have, maybe I'll be able to keep them in mind for the future.

Oh, and if you're looking for some originality: Try fighting the hidden bonus boss. ;)

I didn't mean that the bosses themselves had uninspired designs, they actually reminded me of Gunstar Heroes bosses, and that game had rather unique bosses. I meant it more as in that the game might have a bit of a hard time standing out at the moment due to similar very high quality alternatives existing, though Pedrovin's art might help make up for that so I don't really know. 

It's possible you might even be able to ride on the coat-tail of a certain other recently released and very popular boss rush game.  It's certainly different enough so that people will most likely see it as its own thing.

Ah, fair point.

Also, I think I know what recently released and very popular boss rush game you're talking about, lol.