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I'm, eh... A bit confused. I read the comment saying that you can have both Logan and Bernard becoming werewolves, but they would run away and be capturable, but when I was doing Bernard's quest on the last version of the game the story was hinting that Bernard could control when to transform if you healed him.

Is it impossible for healed characters to take control of their lycantropy? Is it just a "Werewolf: yes/no" kinda deal? Cause I liked the concept of having a conscious werewolf, like a man with a superpower, not just a caged beast.

Also, I'm currently progressing through this quest and I'm afraid of making a mistake, cause I kinda like both Logan and Bernard.

Im pretty sure for them to both bw capturable you have to choose one and then lie about the cure.(the red text) when they ask about the cure. After a few days they run off and you can capture them both. This doesnt really affect your status with them more rather gives a heart to the person you saved. And yes they will be able to controll it when you cure them and can change of free will. Logan doesnt have anything that shows that but bernard does

Logan's incredibly keen sense of smell that he develops is from his werewolf nature.

Also he howls while you're with the other werewolves if you get them to howl, heh. 

they both become full werewolves no matter what you choose.
bernard just has mostly all the scenes with him going into his werewolf form.
Tho logan isn't really romanicable as if you encourged him to go to bandit camp then you can fuck him but its more of him being a cock hungry power bottom