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Hi Ashylan!

Thanks for your critiques and suggestions! X'D

I think you're talking about the beginning of the story when the legend story is being told? (auto-text) and there ARE lots of shaking and flashing when Tamara 'fell' ...even more so in the endings :"))

Oh and I take it for granted that people know how to skip text/credits with ctrl button O.O; really sorry about that.

In my next VN, I'll try to tone down the shaking/flashing ><; I tend to get carried away :"))

About more songs; this is a good idea and I was considering to hire a composer for more original musics (I'm quite a picky author and it took forever to get musics which are compatible with some scene's situation >.<). But I do thought about using Indiegogo for getting funds o.o I'm focusing on preparations atm tho -pray so my campaign in indiegogo will go well! XD

Again, thanks for your concern and support! See you around in the future!



No problem, I always enjoy a good VN and I love helping others make them even better. This one was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed every bit of the story including the bad endings. I can't wait to see what else you come up with, and yes I was talking about the auto-text at the beginning.