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Honestly, I was gonna give up this game cause it was so far away from completion.  I was planning to start with an intro timeline and introduce some story into the game, then I found out to make the action match the rhythm is so much harder than I thought, and there were all sort of issues on how to dealing with players fails on different types of obstacles, because it can't just get stuck on or block by a wall for a tiny bit of time in a rhythm game, everything further won't match the tempo anymore. And I realized how terrible I am on design cause I just don't have any innovation on placing the obstacles.  

Then there was a voice in my mind urging me something like 'damn it's your first game jam on your own just submit some shit already'.  So I spent a few of my working hours just goof around to make this game somehow playable and submitted like 8 mins before the jam end.

And yes you are not supposed to press the arrow key, it was my developing feature xD

And and yes the tutorial in the game is wrong too! jump is SPACE  key! C is actually for rolling and almost useless in the final game xD! 

Anyway, thanks for playing, really appreciate the comment, and good luck on your game!

No problem, and thank you, keep at it!