Nice ! Thank you very very mch ! I should have thought of it !
I find it a bit astonishing how little walkthrough or talk about this game I could find.
This game isn't straightforward, I'm doing a second run and I think I'll need two more to see most alternatives endings (and I wonder If being angelic/demonic triggers yet other endings depending the romance states, urrgh).
There is one more thing I wonder ; just after demolishing the "engine" and just before killing the captain tracking you since the start, you get "blue doors" that "seems yo judge you". When I tried to interact with any object, my game crashed. Is there something there ?
I'm about "this" to go see if I can lurk into the code, because replayability takes it tolls. But I'm so very curious about the alternative scenes.
The game being super polished 'n all, you can feel the effort poured inside ! <3
Any other idea of hidden little mecanism I could have missed ? Don't spoil if you have, just give pointers please ! :p
I started taking notes ! I hope it'll be of use of some alternate me someday !