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I would think if you list them and include a reference from where you got them, you should be fine. And you wouldn't necessarily have to add the external asset's source into your project because it's not something you wrote yourself and with the reference to it everyone can get it themselves.

And freely available assets including their source is a bonus, but by the rules (as I understand them) not a requirement. The requirement is for the asset to be available for free (and not having some entanglement in its license that would prevent you from putting it into the source that you publish with your game).

So let me make sure I got this: it's okay if I Credit them with like another file that says who they are and all that and I don't need to put it in the source I publish for the Jam but it's not a thing I should'nt do. I'm sorry, I'm just so scared to go against some copyright and all that. Even though for this one its probably not really that horrible but still..