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A member registered May 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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fun concept, simple but effective visuals. Had fun :)
good luck!

Loved the art, really cute. And the difficulty scaling. good job in my eyes!

Oh my god, thank you. it was our fast one and on top of that, life really really got in the way. we will fix some things though. I hope soon :)

Thanks for the reply! We don't have too much time cause of life, but when we get the chance we'll see how it looks if we largen it :)

So let me make sure I got this: it's okay if I Credit them with like another file that says who they are and all that and I don't need to put it in the source I publish for the Jam but it's not a thing I should'nt do. I'm sorry, I'm just so scared to go against some copyright and all that. Even though for this one its probably not really that horrible but still..

Hey there. It's a very noob question but! This is my first project I actually publish. as such I'm not sure at all how I should credit free assets I downloaded and I figured its a good place to ask. is it a must to do it inside this game itself, or can I add a text file to the source that credits them? on the question of the source, should I not include those assets I got? or it's okay because they are free? I know it depends on the license probably so let's say for the unity store free stuff. I really try to find answers online but I cant find answers that I fully understand.