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Nice job on a first game jam! It took me a few levels to realize that you could click to turn on the mouse. Idk if I missed reading or what, but that wasn't clear. It felt a little awkward that the sparkles animations would still persist on fake gold shortly after being shined by the light. Idk if this was intentional to stop folks to quickly flashing the light? But it made me be more strategic about my positioning to try to illuminate multiple coins at once, so I guess that's a good thing overall. 

This is well executed, clean graphics and gameplay. Very well done!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks a lot :)

I will rework the tutorial screen to show the controlls !

That the sparkle animation still persist for a short time, was not intended. That's how Unity handled it, when you disable the particle effects. But I kinda liked it that way :)

PS: Sorry for the late reply xD