Hey, thanks for playing :)
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Really impressive work. The game looks awesome, is polished and the theme is good used: 5/5!
A few suggestions for further improvement:
- Logo Redesign: Consider using a white font with a black outline. The 'L' could be styled as a snake!
- Countdown Timer: Add a countdown at the start or start the game with the first input.
- Dynamic Game Over Screen: It looks a little static currently. Include more stats like "Blocks Destroyed," "Distance Traveled," "Longest Tail," and so on.
- Upgrade System: Maybe some survivor-like upgrade system where players earn Exp to enhance their snake with better parts.
New Snake Parts Ideas:
- Chainsaw Block: Allows the snake to destroy enemy blocks when passing through them.
- Directional Damager: When this block changes direction, it damages a 2-block-wide area around it.
Well done :)
Happy Snowman is a charming Christmas game that invites players
to explore a stunning winter landscape while gathering gifts.
The compass helps you locate all the hidden gifts.
Along the way, encounter a friendly-looking snowman,
seemingly ordinary but a little clingy!
This is a Horror Game. The game contains content that may not be suitable for children.

Hey Slithersy, thanks a lot for playing, I'm happy that you liked the game.
It's really nice how much effort you put into the feedback - huge thanks for that!
I just released a small update with a few changes and bugfixes (it's not worth replaying the game. The update is just to round it up!)
The snowman model is a free asset from the store. Credits will be added soon.
Original the snowman should teleport behind the player, I ain't managed to implement this mechanic (it was kinda buggy) I also thought about multiple snowmans - maybe next year in "Happy Snowman 2" ;)
7:57 The snowman has a radius in which he ain't move if you once looked at him.
2:36 It's a bug from the fog-system I'm using!
2:44 If a sound played, the snowman ain't make a sound for the next 10sec. and until he changed his position. Before this, it was way more annoying because he played a sound every time you looked at him.
Thanks again, for the nice comment :)
Thanks a lot for the nice comment :)
My goal was to develop a game that seems like a kid-game with it's overall style, yet with the twist of being a horror game. This creates a uniquely unsettling harmony.
I have a few planes for next year, such as experiment with multiplayer and moving bigger projects to steam.
Thanks for the comment, I'm happy that you enjoyed the game :)
Thanks a lot for the feedback :)
The game also has full controller support. Mobile controls will be implemented in the future!
You are right - a screen full of health bars would look terreble and may not fit for this game.
Fading out enemies which are injured sound like a thing I could try!
Thanks a lot :)