Hey, thanks for trying the game & reporting this issue;
First thing - what platform are you playing on? Windows/Mac/Linux
For Level 2, it should be what you're expecting: scroll up, put a token onto the node, then fill in the nodes to the final triangle node (When you drop your first token in that level it starts the countdown clock)
How did you scroll around the map? Arrow keys, mouse, something else?
This may be a tedious note, but can you give Level 2 another try using the arrow keys to navigate up to the top node? You want to have it close to the centre of the screen to trigger the next step.
Level 3 should just tick along fine, the only thing I can think of is maybe you were hovering your mouse over one of the tutorial panels? (They pause the game timer to let you read them)
(And yes, N skips ahead one second, but that's intended as a helpful button during gameplay, not the only way to make progress)