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Nothing on the screen is not a standard ASCII character.  However, how each character gets there is not by CHR$.  The city is just a PRINTed set of ordinary strings.  And the missile tracks are put there by the SET/RESET commands, which selects the correct "block character" to display to give a "pseudographic" effect.  So I'm still unsure.  See:


Hi Jim. Having researched the method, I am happy that it complies with the rules 👍

Hi Jim, great work on the submissions so far! Could I ask if there is a TXT version of your code included in the zip? I can only find the .C10 versions. The reason being that as part of the judging process, I have automated the 72 char check, and I need a raw TXT.

I've put links to the source for each in the "description section" of itch page for each entry.  Is that okay?

Hi Jim, and thanks for that, but it would make my life a bit easier if the txt version was included in the submission.

(1 edit)

Loudscotsbloke, I've added text files for all 3 of my submissions under the "Quicktype" directory in the VMC10 .zip download , and added some notes under the download instructions to that effect.  Thanks for the contest.


Excellent, thanks Jim. I see you have submitted another! Wow!

Sorry.  Some time to kill this week and next.  Just tell me to stop if it gets excessive.  I've updated Defender too.

FYI, I've updated  Jumpjack.