Welcome to the ASCII BASIC 10 Liner jam! - Have you decided what your computer platform of choice is yet?
Alright, I decided to use Applesoft Basic on an Apple II emulator.
Nothing on the screen is not a standard ASCII character. However, how each character gets there is not by CHR$. The city is just a PRINTed set of ordinary strings. And the missile tracks are put there by the SET/RESET commands, which selects the correct "block character" to display to give a "pseudographic" effect. So I'm still unsure. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semigraphics
Hello there! My machine of choice is the very humble CBM PET. I love its PETSCII character set. My submission includes pure text source code. However, the PET's control characters have been converted to descriptors. This means it looks longer than the 72chrs allowed on several lines. Each descriptor is actually 1 chr. Hope that's okay.
It's great to see such a selection of platforms represented in the submissions. it's the Vic for me of course, not my first computer but the one I spent most time with as a teen. The graphic characters in the character set are great and I've never appreciated Commodore's abbreviations as much as I do now!