HDog Ace Access Build 0.901 (Vis Light)
New Stuff:
- Chest quality / loot tiers: Chests now come in four quality levels, each filled with their own respective loot pool
- Difficulty level, wave count and player coolness now affect chest quality range and therefore loot quality
- Choice Chests: have a chance to replace non-store chests; allowing you to choose between three different items of the same loot tier (not available for actives right now)- Store Chests: Cost more but show you which item you'll get
- Malfunctioning chests: Marked by sparks; somewhat random unlock cost; holo flicker might reveal their content; might sekfdestruct when opened; sometimes drop from destroyed store ships- Added store wave type in which you hack, defend and unlock your current zone's store ship
- After being unlocked, the zone store ship comes alongside during the intermission between waves, allowing you to interact with it's store chests - Chest price is now affected by additional chest properties (loot tier, whether it is a choice chest or a store chest)
- Added button navigation to intermission - Jumping to a new zone now destroys the current store ship as well as any chests and health picups that are following you
- Added some effects to visualize the zone jump effect - 6 new weapons added (late game kinetic, flechette and laser variants)
- The game now generates loot lists on startup (instead of handling loot draws through hundreds of hidden objects, should improve performance a bit)
- The intermission now adapts to whether mouse aim is enabled (if enabled: mouse controls; if not: button controls)
- You can now toggle mouse aim/button control during the intermission (toggle mouse aim key)
- Selecting chest content during wave intermission now highlights the item
- Your random starting gear can't exceed certain loot tiers now (weapon: only tier 1, passive: up to tier 2, active: up to tier
- You can no longer interact with chests during combat (experimental? I don't think this is super important. It gets convoluted with choice chests and only lets you access non-store chests so...)
- Chest are disposed of more flashy when emptied now
- Zones are now guaranteed to spawn at least one weapon chest before the zone boss (as wave reward or store offer)
- All zones are now 5-6 waves long (including boss wave and store wave)
- During the intermission scene, chest cost text now changes color if you can't afford fully opening a chest/buying a store chest
- Added additional feedback for when player is trying to open chest they can't afford
- Added some sound feedback for when selecting things during the intermission and on the pause screen
- Added custom explosion for chest interactions and AoE player weapons
- Added some bloom to most cosmetic explosions, impacts and to the top clouds - Improved z-layering on cosmetic explosions
- Player being interdicted now periodically plays the master caution warning sound; player attempting to jump while interdicted also plays the sound
- Ace Injector now only heals a half heart, but gained a hidden synergy with a certain passive
- Ace Injector and Tactical Nuke now have larger max charges and profit less from "charge with damage/crits/time" bonuses
- Tactical Nuke requires one more wave to fully charge now
- Kinetic Heart and Nuclear Reactive Armor now also grant a health up
- Gladiator Turbine active charge per damage bonus reduced
- Contained Explosions acum damage multiplier is slighly less broken on multy shot weapons
- Trigger Wire fire rate bonus increased
- Increased piercing on all Railguns
- Light Railgun is less accurate now
- All infrared lasers gained a small chance to cause damage cascades
- Heavy Kinetic and Heavy Chaingun gained a small stun chance
- Flechettes no longer have a base crit chance
- Heavy EMP Device is less accurate now
- Area Denial Device has way less boost accuracy now
- Heavy Chaingun fires slightly faster now
- Hammer combo strikes have a larger hitbox now
- Hammer combo strike collision is active for one more frame now
- Changed grenade launcher sprites to differentiate them more from other weapon families
- Added custom shots and muzzle flashes for some older weapons
- Tier II and III Fighters nerfed: less shots per burst, shot lifetime reduced, need to be closer to attack
- Tier II fighters fire 3 damage shots with some speed dampening now
- Tier III fighters fire fire ony 2 shots per burst now
- Tier II fighters have higher enemy value now, causing the game to spawn less of them overall
- Large enemy mines deal less damage now
-Enemy scatter turrets fire less shots now
- Super AWACS Jam Dome attack rate and jam amount reduced
- Shield Scram Domes now deplete your shields way slower (they mostly serve to halt your shield regeneration now)
- Naval Cruiser and Low-Altitude Carrier now have elite attachments with more health
- Naval Cruiser Shield-Scram Dome range reduced
- Naval Cruiser can now spawn more than two Gunships; taking out it's domes will reduce the spawn cooldown
- Turret Mount grants a higher damage bonus but also reduced top speed now
- Early convoy wave start out with more targets
- Prop AA waves start out with less targets
- AM Storage Balloons no longer gain armor if they are a wave target
- Downwards cam trailing when falling now stops when the player collides with the ground
- The camera now takes screen hight into account for considering when to switch into floor/ceiling mode
- Floor/ceiling camera mode leveling now adapts to screen hight - Hostile Flak Mechs will now target all possible player targets (flares, flock drones, store ship)
- Sniper Choppers and Super AWACS can no longer spawn in packs
- Early zones spawn less Super AWACS simultaneously
- Destroy Super AWACS/Elite Armored Suit objectives have lower min target count now
- Hack objectives take longer to complete now
- Reduced health and armor of ground-mounted flak turrets if they are wave targets
- Reduced "Survive" objective max time and level scaling
- Reduced "Eliminate ACE Fighters" objective max target count and level scaling
- Elites across the board have lower health bonuses now
- Increased delay on "loaded" Ace Fighter death explosion - Gunships can no longer jump after their votl engine has been destroyed
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Infrared Scatter Laser beam collision being on too large initial timeout
- Fixed weapons with guaranteed EMP or Stun also granting the effect to all other weapons after selecting them
- Fixed a bug causing player shots to enable their collision later than intended
- Fixed some player shot's lifetime being lower than intended
- Fixed Flak Ammo still not working with some weapons
- Fixed player beams being affected, and therefore screwed up by, shot lifetime modifier
- Fixed player beams not being affected correctly by Rubberized Ammo
- Fixed player muz flash not being moved on beam bounce
- Fixed player laser beam origin sometimes not being obscured by player muz flash
- Fixed a bug causing zone backgrounds to briefly flash in when launching into the intermission
- Fixed objective props appearing in front of floor background
- Fixed some leftover debug code causing "Anti-matter Storage Raid" waves to always feature the maximum possible target count - Fixed some issues that might be causing wave start spawn gaps in zone 1 waves
- Fixed a missing variable that might contribute to spawn gaps in early zones
- Fixed player dealing collision damage not spawning float text - Fixed "Decimate Forces" objective text being being larger than the screen width on some resolution
- Fixed "Destroy Mounted AA" objective always having a high amount of targets
- Fixed several instances in which the game could roll objective target counts below 1
- Fixed an image mode bug preventing some far clouds from being displayed
- Fixed pressing interact key during intermission muting warning sounds
- Fixed one wave objective splash text not displaying correctly
- Fixed enemy death mines missing some mine properties
- Fixed a bug where swag plated VOTL elites would get double the elite bonuses
- Fixed a theoretical scenario where too large fire rate bonuses would break player attacking altogether
- Fixed Rush Oil Flurry triggering enrage visuals and sound twice when it activates
- Fixed dropping bombs with Scatter Ammo equipped not giving individual bombs different movement
- Fixed Missile Turrets still receiving collisions even when their parent gunship is jumping
- Fixed Orbital Support: Artillery active icon occasionally wiggling too hard - Fixed some props not being faded out when going into intermission
- Fixed a problem allowing for limitless AWACS spawns after the first objective target AWACS has been spawned
- Fixed gunships still performing prop avoidance maneuvers even when EMPed or without votl engine
- Fixed Super AWACS flares being spawned at too low scale
- Fixed chance of spawning double SRM storage balloons being higher than intended