HDog Ace Access Build 0.7083 (Infrared)
- Some spell checking
- Tier 1 Fighter maximum attack range decreased
- Tier 1 Fighter minimum attack range increased
- Tier 1 Fighter shot speed and shot acceleration decreased
- Flack Turrets are on a longer attack cooldown after being spawned now
- Added a targeting marker appearing on the player when enemies fire, even when they are off screen
- Direct fire enemies now telegraph their lines of fire (considered as attack tell, can be turned off in options)
- Melee attacks no longer detonates enemy rockets and missiles
- Melee deflection now also works on enemy rockets and missiles
(deflected missiles loose their homing ability)
- The lance now has a three hit combo
- Firing a charged shot (sword cleave for example) now correctly prevents you from attacking immediately afterwards
- Boss 1 add spawn time decreased