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A member registered Feb 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know, should be fixed now.

Version 0.300 (post jam)

-Increased player turn speed.

-Test fire blocks on the title screen can no longer burn down by themselves.

-Fixed bad block placement in deployment 6.

-Fixed a problem with player death sequence.

There was an ending there yes, maybe that is broken somehow. What happens if you get there, you just can't advance and nothing happens?

Ok I made some adjustments to how the UI layer is handled when changing resolution. Let me know if the problem persists on 0.303.

You mean text on the cards I guess? I'll look into ways to make that scale according to resolution. Can you by any chance post a screenshot for how the game looks for you?

Thanks, I'll look into it.

Window size is based on resolution, you can change that in the video options menu.

Sure why not.

Ok I'll look into it.

All the way through? Was there a situation where you or enemies exited the arena entirely?

What bugs did you encounter?

Yes, just coppy over the contents of the saves and fallback folders from your itch install over to the new steam install and you should be good.

To clarify:  Half of the vfx are by me, but not originally made for the jam. The other part is from packs and had to be adapted to the artstyle. Everything else was made during the jam, but I wasn't sure whether all this counts as the "majority of assets".

(1 edit)

1.222 (End-Tech)

- Heatsink Launcher now starts with 3 max charges.
- Hardlight Harpoon is now tier 2.
- Hardlight Harpoon no longer uses charge if it does not find a target.
- Some effect from Crowd-sourced Displacer are now capped.
- Changed Quantum Augment float text colors to better contrast with all possible intermission backgrounds.
- Added fallback behavior for player missile marks if no homing targets remain.
- Added fallback to ensure that a late game boss dies correctly.
- Fixed [redacted] being extremely astonished by your ability to parry melee.
- Fixed chest malfunctions never taking full effect on opening.
- Fixed some beams not being able to profit fully from high shot bounce stat (?)
- Fixed Active Amp being assigned to multiple loot pool tiers.
- Fixed scenarios in which jets could take damage from atmospheric entry when launching a new run (?)
- Fixed nearest threat indicator pointing towards non-threatening objects.
- Fixed underground ceiling shot collision not taking effect.
- Fixed fury shield dash applying regular dash counterforce.
- Fixed Sticky Ammo using wrong pause description.
- Fixed Heatsink Launcher breaking a late game challenge mode.
- Fixed Hardlight Harpoon sometimes turning into a permanent zero damage nanowire.
- Fixed Hardlight Harpoon being able to target attachments that have already been ripped.
- Fixed Hight Altitude Carrier launch force being applied to other fighter enemies.


(1 edit)

I don't do the music myself and I rely on soundpacks as the basis for the SFX, everything else is by me. So there is no larger team, no.


Do you have some specific communities in mind?

This is a bug I'm still investigating. Likely this is connected to the game not fully preventing you from going into pause directly after an unlock triggered. You can recover your profile if you go into your fallback folder, copy the latest prof_save_crypt_fallback (the one that has been changed most recently before the loss) into the saves older. Rename it to prof_save_crypt and the game should accept it as your current profile.

Hi Antifect, thanks for taking the time to put this together, I'll take it into account if I make another patch. Some of this isn't possible due to the way the game was set up early on. The pause menu can't sufficiently communicate with the main game etc but I'll see what I can do regarding the bugs.

(2 edits)

0.9 (post jam)
- Added Linux version
- Added loader animations
- Added sound and visual feedback as well as minor engine shutdown for missing a grab 
- Dice now get slung if you release them while boosting, causing them to inherit some of your momentum
- Slung dice that hit a slot will get slotted 
- Annihilation event takes longer and shows remaining time now, giving more room for a close comeback
- Game now displays your best previous run as part of the title screen
- Made dice slots a little more distinct from actual dice
- Universal dice slot is now animated
- Tidied up slot positioning on most objects
- Cargo ship jump sequence is faster now
- Added some pointers towards load zones after charging the printer
- Fixed soundtrack not re-initializing correctly when on low dice count 
- Fixed z-layer issues with numbered dice slots created later in a run, obscuring dice stored within them
- Fixed cargo ship being able to jump in the very same moment that another ship leaves
- Fixed some typos
(1 edit)

1.218 (End-Tech)

- Fixed a Mil-grade Cornucopia not unlocking correctly, again (?)

- Fixed player gaining more charge from damage than intended

- Fixed some enemy wrecks still granting charge when damaged

- Fixed boss rush mode still enabling endless under certain conditions (?)

- Taking heart damage should no longer interfere with accumulating damage

- Fixed some typos

You can delete configs.txt in your game folder to reset that.

(1 edit)

1.215b (End-Tech)
- Fixed a bad interaction between kill shot procs and night vision zone
- Added a safeguard to counteract situations in which the space tether would not randomize an attack phase correctly
- Space tether defense sliders are now immune to most status effects

1.216 (End-Tech)
- Drone Flock now adds a marker on your ship to make it stand out more from your flock
- Lowered damage flock drones take from prop/ground collisions (12/s-->4/s)
- Fixed player sometimes being able to take ground/ceiling collision damage during jumps
- Fixed player position helper appearing too early when colliding with command system zone ceiling
- Fixed some typos

1.215 (End-Tech)

- Flexlight Bow charge damage buffed (6-->9)

- Adjusted text colors for Quantum Augment effect to be better contrast with various possible backgrounds

- Added a safeguard that makes combat chatter display a default [unintelligible] if it fails to load a chatter entry
- Slightly optimized the way loot id is checked when picking up items

- Lowered count requirements for death/games played unlocks

- Space tether kinetic barrage wave count reduced (4-->3)

- Space tether rocket phase now starts with higher fire rate but slows down over time

- Space tether emp phasees: attack rate nerfed

- Space tether segments are now valid homing targets (but are still immune to missile redirects)

- Fixed situations in which opposing side space tether would not randomize it's attack phase correctly (?)

- Fixed stray pixels on a shore rock sprite

- Fixed a Mil-grade Cornucopia not unlocking correctly (?)

- Fixed Shield Overcharger requiring 10 times more max shield to unlock than advertised

- Fixed some item related unlocks requiring another item to be picked up in order to trigger

- Fixed uranium armor self damage resetting coolness

- Fixed missing description for Mirror Sphere active

- Fixed a missing entry on wave advance chatter

- Fixed boss rush not disabling endless mode correctly on specific run conditions

- Fixed some typos

(1 edit)

Thanks, I'm now working on a full commercial release for the game that will indeed have a stronger stealth focus, to be released near the end of the year.

(1 edit)

Have you switched input method to controller? If it still doesn't detect you inputs try the detect gamepad option.

Ok, how about now? (1.214b)

Oops, that again. Should be resolved now (?).

1.214 (End-Tech)
- Fixed sector shield not recharging correctly when player main shield is already charged 

- Fixed first burst after weapon switch only firing a single shot

- Fixed melee weapons not initializing first combo correctly when switching to them

- Fixed some typos

1.212 (End-Tech)

- 6 new passives added (mostly unlocked by reaching certain global completion percentage)

- 3 new actives added

- Missile Maker is now tier 3 (was 4)

- Reduced explosive displacer dmg vs shield (25%-->10%, affects self damage)

- Added some safeguards to ensure that entering intermission does not prevent dying store shops from dropping their SRM

- Stimpack now applies enrage immediately on use, eliminating situations when active auto-skip on jump would prevent the full effect

- Boss Rush now disables endless mode

- Blade Hull collision damage taken reduction now affects ground and prop collisions

- Fixed Blade Hull never actually reducing collision damage taken from enemy collisions :o

- Fixed flak effects using current player muz flash anim instead of the one used by their shot - Attempted to fix an unclear case of item IDs not getting written into gear_get.txt when taking chest content

- Fixed some typos

Hi Dax, thanks for the input. This has come up a couple times, I'll look into addressing it with the next patch.

(1 edit)

Yes the game has basic controller support.


Thanks, good stuff.

1.209 (End-Tech)

-Fixed most explosive weapons not actually counting towards unlocks that check explosive weapon count
-Fixed Buster Ammo pickup glitch (?)
-Fixed bug causing title carriers to not move correctly offscreen on very large resolutions (?)  

1.210 (End-Tech)
-Fixed a bad attachment point for break engine burn on the Eye MKII
-Fixed Phase Proxy Cluster launcher showing as a different weapon on pause screen
-Fixed another problem causing SRM Decay Rail to unlock repeatedly
-Fixed a potential problem forcing VSync

(3 edits)

1.206c (End-Tech)
-Piercing shields with beams no longer triggers pierce damage reduction
-Fixed missing shield max cap on Emission Mask
-Fixed a recent problem causing [redacted] to permanently disable shield regeneration after attempting to fire a weapon
-Fixed a bug causing Jump Blades to charge during intermissions  

1.206d (End-Tech)
-Fixed Mirror Paint and Ablation Layers not restoring during intermission


1.208 (End-Tech)
-Flak shot sub-munitions can now inherit kill shot
-Certain status effects (Cascade, EMP, Kill Shot) will now only be passed on to a single flak shot sub-munition
-Added "Charge" section label in datacloud
-Fixed Cover Fire Algorithm removing overcharge effects
-Fixed Crowdsourced Displacer hyperdeath effect resetting current coolness
-Fixed Shot Displacer cursor not interacting correctly with fire-direction altering passives
-Fixed active item charge values not displaying as integers
-Fixed some weapons that are described as scatter not actually counting towards unlocks that require scatter weapons
-Fixed first intermission hiding escalation UI on the first 10 runs of a new profile
-Fixed deflect power on stat sheet showing the multiplier instead of actual %

1.209 (End-Tech)
-Fixed most explosive weapons not actually counting towards unlocks that check explosive weapon count
-Fixed Buster Ammo pickup glitch
-Fixed bug causing title carriers to not move correctly offscreen on very large resolutions

Thanks for reporting, will get resolved.

(1 edit)

Red Tether Redux is here! 

Red Tether Redux Version 0.6 
New Stuff
- Destroyed enemies now leave debris and ordnance behind, which you can then sling into other targets
- You can now use tethers to rip attachments from ships, disarming and damaging enemies in the process
- Added custom rip behavior for tethers on attachments (yanks at attachments and ships periodically instead of continuous pull)
- Firing tethers into a single ship now deals minor hull stress damage over time, but also makes tethers quickly expire
- Added enemy PDC attachment (mounted auto-cannon with limited targeting arc that will deal serious damage to you if you get to close)
- You can now stabilize your ship in place (s by default), great for braving those shock waves
- Reeling while stabilized pulls objects towards you, with more power than regular tether connections
- You can also rip attachments faster this way
- Certain lighter objects now get pulled towards you when swinging
- Added player health system as a second line of defense when your shields fail
- Added upgrade systems with collectible containers that alter your ship and tether stats
- Added 3 variants of Serf class cargo vessel:
Heavy Freighter - Comes with cargo containers that you can rip off and use against other ships
AM Hauler - Deals AoE damage when destroyed and carries antimatter containers with a similar effect
Tech Transport - Has multiple upgrades attached, but will self-destruct if it looses control of one
- Added Warrior class primary fleet asset as a new late game enemy
- Reworked tutorial to be less text heavy
- Reworked title screen and made tutorial optional
- Runs now continue up till wave 18 and each wave has 3 variants now
- Added lock-on system that shows object data, aids with targeting small objects and allows to tether missiles in mid-air
- Added pull force direction indicator that gets displayed while swinging
- Added a distortion system that makes UI elements glitch out and red-yellow shift under certain circumstance
- Added hit-flash system
- Added a whole bunch of new vfx/sfx
- Implemented basic dynamic mixing for background music
- Added a config.txt file that allows customizing controls and some game options (check readme for details)

Balancing and general changes
- You now turn faster while reeling in
- Tethers now expire after some time
- Tethers now gain some force as they contract
- Low threat objects now deal less collision damage to the player
- Crash damage ticks no longer destroy tethers
- Enemies dying and contraction to near zero now destroys tethers
- Improved how tethers animate in relation to player/input states
- Differentiated some sound queues
- Improved anti-matter explosion anim
- Adjusted object outlines so that they exclude parts of objects that have no harpoon collision
- Rocket pods are now attachments
- Rocket fire gets more accurate the closer you are to its origin
- Rockets now slightly home in on while approaching
- Slinger class rocket ships now has two rocket pods that it can fire independently
- Spearliz class light cruiser now fields two PDCs

- Multiple tether between the same targets now correctly add up their pull force
- Enemies now deal their intended crash damage to thing they are in contact with (instead of a fixed rate for all crashes)
- Wave text should now type out correctly when starting a new wave
- I ton of stuff I've forgotten to log